
Lydie's chapter is posted! this means the end of Dark Eyes Book 1. Yeah...Yeah...Yah... LOL! how can one end a book after 11 chapters, LOL! well it is because I have decided to change the storyline. 80) I havent changed the original plot or anything but I have figured out where this particular story is taking ME! LOL! Never thought I was a fantasy type but this particular tale has definately told me otherwise.

It is still an outside of the box story, still something I am not accustomed too but I enjoy it and am having fun with it so I am going to explore. 80)

Thank you to all who read, and thank you to all who comment! I dont know when the next will be posted, could be a week, two or a month or more, especially since I havent officially returned but I wanted to get this one out of the way. Next will roll out the new story line complete with the new characters!

Song is set to play Evanesence (sure I spelled that wrong) so if you dont like them or this particular genre of music turn it off. 80) it's at the top. 80)

Enjoy! Whispers

KDSGS  – (9/12/2009 6:58 AM)  

Wonderful chapter Cherie, Stunning shots and writing as always.

And as long as YOU are having fun with it, that is the main thing, you go girl, take a plunge in the 'fantasy' pool!

Look forward to your new direction!

S@n  – (9/12/2009 9:02 PM)  

Great chapter!!!!
I agree with Drew, as long you are enjoying and loving what you do, that is all what matters, just keep doing it and we will be soo happy to read!! You are an amazing writer! I will read anything you do!!! :P
I can't wait to see the new characters and the new lots!!!
You have incredible talent for building lots!!!

I have a fantasy story sitting in my desk for like 2 years already... lol but i'm wait too lazy to look for CC!!
It is about angels, and the end of the world as we know it, kind of like an apocalyptic thing! it has tons of destruction so it would mean tons and tons of photoshop and probably the use of Simcity game... to destroy the city!!! lol
Anyway sorry for all my ramblings...

S@n  – (9/12/2009 9:04 PM)  

i meant to say "I'm way too lazy""
instead of "i'm wait too"

sorry I just got over excited! :P

S.B.  – (9/22/2009 8:22 PM)  

I really want to add my voice here. Do what makes you happy. Your joy in your creation definitely adds to the excitement.

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