
Not officially quite back yet (we’ll see), 80P
But my hiatus has done wonders to help me decide which direction to go with Dark Eyes, after writing tossing, re-writing, tossing and so on it goes. Now I am slowly but surely catching up with everyones updates haven’t necessarily commented as yet. I have been and still am pretty brain fried. 80) Emily and Phoenix, you are up next!

Chapter 12 should be up within the week, still haven’t figured out the song or the title although I am thinking along the lines of riders on the storm, LOL! Don’t knock me and my love for a band I will never in my life be able see. Dangit… LOL!

Several characters will be undergoing some minor changes Jayden already has thanks to Lachesis having told me about a great tutorial on how to create your own tattoos Here and since I was in bodyshop I figured what the Hey, might as well fix all those little things that were driving me bonkers (THOSE EYES) LOL! I have lightened his skin and made a few changes to his face, nothing too drastic I hope, but those EYES! lol!

Next there will be several new characters joining the cast, some will be making interesting changes and will Lydie and Jay ever get back together again??? I have been discussing some possible crossovers with Drew’s Dracula’s Diaries DD Now Closed and Blood Brotherhood Here there for you may just see a character or two that you recognize, when, where or even if, we shall see 80). I am truly excited to roll this out, introduce all the new characters, as well as another particular mythological esque creature, and hopefully keep you all wanting answers, possibly even answer a few 80).

Unfortunately Rourke didnt make the cut this time around, at least not with the direction I have decided to go although I think I have come up with a fitting end to his creepy dream cruising simself, and dont forget to check out the new Blog where I will post a dictionary of terms, Bios and more. Including name pronunciations, since I am such a stickler on such things 80)... Hopefully this will help to explain my crazy thought concepts and make a bit of sense, LOL!

With chapter 13, focused on Jay and his emotions, a glimpse into his past etc. The new story line will roll out. As I said I think I have found a direction I want to go, although, LOL! I never thought myself to be into the fantasy realm, but with so many great authors out there now, including many of our own members and non members how could I not fall into its allure? 80)

Thanks to you all for all your support, your reading and most of all the wonderful community of friendship. 80) Once again I do not know how often I plan to update especially with needing to get my computer into the doctor. But I am going to try and get at least one update every two weeks and again must re-iterate this is a challenge story for me, but I would like to think that I have at least done it a little bit of justice 80)...


KDSGS  – (9/09/2009 8:27 AM)  

Cherie, glad to here you are coming back with a vengeance! Sounds intriguing what you have planned for Dark Eyes and that pic of Jayden is wonderful. Love his new look, the tats, the eyes, the skin...lovely.

Look forward to working with you to see what we come up with *wink*

And great idea to have a dictionary/bios blog, look forward to that as well.
And yes, you have done it justice, big time.

Phoenix  – (9/09/2009 8:56 AM)  

Ohhh....he looks good Cherie!!! And what the crap? You can make your own tats? *dances happy jig*

Glad to see that you know where you want to go with the story! I know how frustrating that can be! :( Can't wait to see what you come up with.

S@n  – (9/09/2009 11:12 AM)  

Glad you are kind of back~!!!!!

I can't wait to see what you have prepared for us!!! I'm impatiently waiting for an update!!!

It all sounds so intriguing and I love the idea of the dictionary thing!!! I always have trouble pronunciation words!!!

I have to check that site about making own tattoos that is awesome!!!

and Jayden looks great!!! I do see his skin is lighter, but that's about the only change I noticed!

Welcome back and take your time, we are still waiting for you!

cheripye  – (9/09/2009 11:51 AM)  

Thanks Drew!
Yes a definate vengeance as you well know. *Wink* 80) and cant wait to try out the CO!!!

With all the different creatures in this tale and of course the crazy way I have come up with them the Dictionary/Bios is a necessity!!! and thank you so much for the name assistance and all your support!

cheripye  – (9/09/2009 11:53 AM)  

Thanks Phoenix!

I am particularly proud of my less than artistic abilities with the tats, and he has one on his back that my brother drew! not shown in this picture. 80) and yep you can make your own 80) I too was excited spent a whole day doing it. Then of course the skin... I took someones and lightened it to my own specifications.

Let me know if you want the new Jay, being you already have the old and I will send him to you. 80)

Update out this weekend possibly even come Friday, (possibly) LOL!

cheripye  – (9/09/2009 11:58 AM)  

Thank you S@ndy!!!

Yes 'Kinda' back LOL! will see, I think I have enough written out for right now that I can get at least two to three more out fairly quickly. 80) with an update for sure this weekend, although it will be short. 80)

It's a great tutorial and was easily converted to Photo Shop, the creator used Paint shop... But the same basics. 80) and with your talents in Photoshop I am sure that you will be more than capable!

I didnt want to alter him to much, so I changed his skin, used I believe an Alva? and used some lightening techniques and added the tats. Other than that his mouth is a bit thinner and smaller and his eyes arent so tilted, I think I may have widened his jaw and face just a tad too. 80)

Next Lydie... LOL!

Thank you so much and cant wait to get this next update posted!!!

Unknown  – (9/09/2009 12:52 PM)  

Hey Cherie, Jay looks great! You know, I never tried to change the skins. Duh, I really should try that, too. I agree, that phoenix on his arm is perfect (what little I see). Does he have the new special tat on his back then, or the one I already saw?

Now, make sure you, unlike me, show those tats. ;)

And thanks for posting that link. One of these days I'm going to actually remember to start posting things when I find them, but I figure I'm so late to the party, everyone else already knows what's out there. :/

Hum, and lastly, that office looks familiar. ;)

cheripye  – (9/09/2009 2:07 PM)  

LOL! Thanks Lachesis,

Yes he still has the original back tat, and the phoenix on his arm does look ok from the front, but it's a little blurry plus it kinda cuts off. *Shrug* I worked for to long on it and said what the heck, it doesnt have to be a phoenix, it could just be some sort of symbol. LOL! and they will be! now just how to explain he was born with them, LOL!

I did it because Drew asked for it too, Sorry ;0) it was just such a nice picture, that and I forgot to email myself with the one I wanted to use. 80)

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