Dark Eyes Info

Hello All!

If you happen to be a reader of Dark Eyes the old blog is going to be invite only. So if anyone is interested in still reading or needs to catch up, send me an email.

butterfliangelwing@gmail.com and I will gladly send you a link.

Being the story line has changed... *wrings hands* Still it should be easy enough to follow and the conversion shouldnt be too difficult to understand at least I hope not.

It is what I have been up to these last weeks, 80) working out all the fine details etc... Setting it up and writing in the new characters. Writing out the old that I no longer wish to deal with at this time and boy oh boy is Formerly Chapter 13 now Book two Chapter 1 going to shock! well maybe not so much, LOL! but there is alot thats a changin 80).

I will be setting up an alternate blog, well actually blogs... That will host the new story line, complete with character interviews/bio's... Damned Jay really lit into me on that one, LOL! Descriptions of my new "mythological" characters... That I am sure no one has ever heard of... Well simple enough terminology so many may have since they are actual words just with my own nutty twist 80).

Thanks Drew for Lupusnox
Thanks Lachesis for Cimmerian

Thank you all for your continued support and reading!


PS if anyone has any suggestions as to how to add the read more option, I have tried following the danged tutorial and it never NEVER works! along with a good layout complete with links that will allow me to do small photos that open up when you click on them so you can read? I would love it!!!

PSS my POS computer, Poor Baby! well it is really acting badly now so I am going to have to take it in to the doctor soon. Which means I will be offline for a good 3-6 weeks while it is being repaired. My only access to internet will be from work, but then I cant read any of the stories with warnings up... They block that sort of thing. 80) so I will fall even further behind in my reading than I already have. Hmmm perhaps I will steal the little bro's. LOL! it would serve him right after what he did to my baby...

Then after that comes the whole re-install, finding any CC that I had being my computer refuses to write to a CD and the External HD is a bit more expensive than I can afford right now. Housing is due this check, and I am worried that the next check may be to late...

I will try and get the new blog and the first chapter up this weekend, no promises though... 80)

Van  – (9/30/2009 3:43 PM)  

Am I a seriously messed up person to actually be very flattered that all of my stuff is blocked at your work? Goodness, I feel one step closer to my lifelong goal of having a novel banned in a country! :D

Yeah, I know it's just because I have warnings up, not because they actually review it and go all "OMG BLASPHEMY!!"... but still :)

I wouldn't mind being able to go and reread the old blog. I have a few things I need to catch up on, so I'll send you the email a little later, okay?

cheripye  – (9/30/2009 3:53 PM)  

LOL! Dinuriel!

What a goal! LOL! I dont mind too awful much, they are good to have, but it is the main reason I quit turning mine on, so I could get in as necessary, although the new blog... LOL!

Well in an agency that has public computers where it is supposed to be limited to Job search and you have pervo's out there looking at porn... They have blocked anything with a warning. 80)

Sure thing, I havent made it invite only yet, but will be probably tonight or tomorrow or whenever i get to it. So take your time!

Unknown  – (9/30/2009 4:59 PM)  

Cherie, you've put so much work into your new world, you've worked out most of the bugs and know where you're going and how you're going to get there. The story is new and fresh, believe me, it's going to work out just fine.

And remember, I'm still here if you need me. ;)

Oh, and you're welcome. I just wish I would have thought of it earlier instead of just continuing to use the boring "underworld."

S@n  – (9/30/2009 5:26 PM)  

I would love an invite please!!! :D
I'm really looking forward to read what you do!!! :P
It all sounds fantastic!

cheripye  – (9/30/2009 6:35 PM)  

Thank you Lachesis!!!
I couldnt have done it without your or Drew's help! You two have really helped me to focus. And I am sure I will be hitting you both up again ;0)

Ahh... No reason to not use it! and underworld isnt so boring, it is just used to much... 80)

Thanks again!!!

cheripye  – (9/30/2009 6:35 PM)  

I will definately be sending you and invite S@ndy! and cant wait to find out what you think. 80)

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