
Just a couple miscellaneous announcements,

One meet a new character to Dark Eyes, I am not giving much away on him other than the fact he is fallen... Not by choice and has a major role in a certain characters life. LOL! 80) Meet Xavier, yeah yeah I am so un-original when it comes to names, LOL!

And I realized just now I havent posted here yet,

I am taking until most likely the end of October to re-center myself in regards to writing, but more importantly in regards to my recent promotion. Although I am picking everything up with ease and am way ahead of the game there is so much to be done... I am up at 5:30 every morning and in bed by OMG!!! 9 in the evening, I havent been to sleep that early since I was in kindergarten! LOL!

Still it is well worth it, I have an issue dealing with heavy freeway traffic, dont know why but I cant stand it, so it is worth it... Plus I am learning all kinds of new stuff so my brain is full of different policies, procedures and grants... literally no room for my story writing... I am still reading everyone's updates just not quite commenting yet, basically too tired to come up with something that sounds remotely understandable, LOL! and with my nose stuck in various web pages and grant books etc... Well I can hardly understand my own thoughts, LOL! Gotta love a new job!

Now it could be less time than October, but I am thinking I may very well take it just because and for all I know I might extend it just a bit once everything is finally settled. If that is the case then I will step down if others of the SWA wish it, but I really dont want to lose being a member of this group. 80) Besides RL always come first. 80)

Thank you all for your well wishes and support this last year! and thanks for the continuation of support!

Hugs to all!!!

KDSGS  – (7/21/2009 7:15 AM)  

Best of luck with your new job and take ALL the time you need! Of course, we want you to stay, I will be taking a longer hiatus myself than originally planned, so no worries there!

Your new character looks amazing, can't wait to see what you come up with in the months ahead, all the best, Cherie mate!!

S@n  – (7/21/2009 10:25 AM)  

He looks amazing!!!
love his eyes, really unique color!!! at least I haven't seen eyes like that before!!!

again congratulations on your new position, take all the time you need!!!

And RL always comes first so enjoy your new experience and don't worry about anything else!!!

Best wishes!!!

thewynd  – (7/21/2009 1:33 PM)  

Cherie take as much time as you need. RL comes before anything and you have a lot on your plate right now.

Really looking forward to the day you do come back though because your stories are so fascinating.

Take care of yourself.

cheripye  – (7/21/2009 6:10 PM)  

Thanks Karen Mate!!
I am running on blank right now, too much info crammed in the head, but I think I have a small one planned before long. 80) and enjoy your extended too!

cheripye  – (7/21/2009 6:12 PM)  

Thank you S@ndy!
I do like those eyes they are certainly different and seem to fit the characters posistion well enough. LOL!

I am enjoying according to my supervisor and my trainer I am picking it up faster than anyone before and am working at a 98% success rate. That's really good! helps that I know some of what I am doing though. 80)

Thanks again and I cant wait to see what you come up with!

cheripye  – (7/21/2009 6:13 PM)  

Thank you Gayl!

For the compliment, and yeah ALOT! lol! I am only 1/4 of the way through the reading I have to do, but it is so mind numbingly boring, LOL!

I think I will be doing a double update, kick of the new butterfly blog and come back to Lydie...

Phoenix  – (7/21/2009 6:15 PM)  

I like the look of that new Sim Cherie!!

Good to hear about the job! That's awesome! And of course real life is more important! Take care of yourself!!! Enjoy your Sim break!:P

cheripye  – (7/21/2009 8:19 PM)  

Thanks Phoenix!!

I thought you might like him, LOL! I do too especially who and what he is. *wink*

I am excited and yah, RL LOL! I will definately enjoy this break and all that comes with it. 80)

Mao  – (7/22/2009 5:15 AM)  

Breaks are good for the soul. Hope you enjoy it! And congrats on the promotion!

S.B.  – (7/22/2009 6:22 AM)  

Take care of RL first - and the break will probably open up lots of things you never considered.


Emily  – (7/22/2009 7:43 AM)  

Enjoy your break Cherie! And enjoy your promotion, I'm sure you worked very hard and deserve it. We'll miss you but you certainly deserve a break, so enjoy every minute, we will still be here waiting! :D

cheripye  – (7/22/2009 5:54 PM)  

Thanks Mao!!
Yes Breaks certainly help get the creative thoughts back in proportion too. LOL! I am truly excited!

cheripye  – (7/22/2009 5:55 PM)  

Thank you SB!
Yes when the brain settles down again I will certainly see things a bit different I am sure. 80)

cheripye  – (7/22/2009 5:57 PM)  

Thank you Emily!
Yes I worked four long years to get to this point and now I have it. 80) and FORTUNATELY, lol! this break is for a great reason in comparison to everything else happened this last year! so I take it as something to look forward to in the days to come and a ray of light from the dark. 80)

Thanks again!

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