Ok I am literally about to BURST!!! this week just keeps getting better and BETTER!!!

Yesterday I found out on of my clients who I assisted with her resume got a JOB!

And today I got called for an interview for a position I had applied for within my agency, A promotion if I do well on the interview and am considered!!!

I am so excited and I just cant hide it LOL!!!!

Ok enough of this now!! !

Anonymous –   – (6/05/2009 12:27 PM)  

WOOOO!!!! This week just keeps getting better for everyone.

I was off school for two days. Lol!

Congrats! Hope you get it

cheripye  – (6/05/2009 12:39 PM)  

Thank You AOD!!!
I hope I get it too!!! and that must have been exciting to get two days off. 80)

S.B.  – (6/05/2009 12:52 PM)  

If they call you for an interview, you've got a really good chance. Good luck!!!

cheripye  – (6/05/2009 1:44 PM)  

Thank you so Much SB!!!
This is so exciting! I have applied for this position in the past but wasnt considered. 80) Now to brush up on my interview skills. LOL! Been 4 years since I last went on one and our agency does panels, 3-4 management staff... *yikes*

Phoenix  – (6/05/2009 8:18 PM)  

WOOT!! WOOT!!! I'm happy for you Cherie!! Congrats!!!

Panels suck but I'm sure you'll do great!!!:D

cheripye  – (6/05/2009 10:39 PM)  


Yes panels suck, the position I am in now was my first ever experience with them and I nearly passed out. LOL! no butstill it unnerved me to no end. At least this time I know what I am up against. Now watch it will be just me and one other, LOL! nah...

Actually shouldnt be so bad, will still be in my same unit, same manager different supervisor. 80) I am still totally buzzing over this and cant wait!!!

thewynd  – (6/07/2009 6:51 PM)  

Great news! And you will do great Cherie! I just know it.

cheripye  – (6/07/2009 8:01 PM)  

Thank you Gayl!!! much appreciated and I do hope I do, been studying as much as I can... On my agency and this particular program!!! So I should do well, LOL!

Mao  – (6/08/2009 6:59 PM)  

Congratulations, Cherie! You definitely deserve some good news. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

cheripye  – (6/08/2009 8:02 PM)  

Thank you So much Mao!!
I am seriously hoping and praying that I get this posistion! I have wanted it for a while now. LOL!

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