BAtT Update

Warnings: Heavy Romantic explanations (I just didnt think I did it properly before) LOL!
Note: I am stuck with this one, just not sure of where I want to go with it, in truth I have grown a bit bored with this poor story... I promise it will be continued but I need to write out some more, work out a few puzzling bits of info, as you will see it just did not want to flow properly and I don’t have the patience to force it right now 80)... As well my other story has me completely handcuffed and held hostage right now, Jay and Lyd are screaming at me... So I figured what better of a place to leave this off than the wedding! ENJOY!!! A WEDDING AFFAIR

KDSGS  – (6/11/2009 8:17 AM)  

Just utterly romantic from start to finish, esp. the finish, LOL! Wonderful update Cherie!

cheripye  – (6/11/2009 5:31 PM)  

Thank you Drew!!! and yes the end was definately romantic, LOL! Thanks Mate!!!

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