DE Short Story

Been rattling about in my head for awhile now but I had to wait on one hand and the other well I just didnt have it written yet. 80)

Enjoy Fallen

Oh yes couldnt find a song I liked so just pause or mute the player as well there is some mild romantic explanations. 80)

KDSGS  – (5/30/2009 5:58 PM)  

How about "Fallen" by Evanscence? Would fit perfect!!

And hey, I thought you were supposed to be spring cleaning? A hot date with Mr. Clean?

Off to look at your story!!

cheripye  – (5/30/2009 6:27 PM)  

got the shots last night! so it didnt take too long, LOL! and my hands are all dry thanks to spring cleaning... grumble LOL!

Thanks I will check it out and see if it fits! Thanks!

cheripye  – (5/30/2009 6:58 PM)  

I cant find it on myplaylist... off to you tube now...

KDSGS  – (5/30/2009 7:44 PM)  

I found it on playlist! Just type in 'fallen' in the search, and it is on page 14! I don't know why it did not come up when you type in the artist name, weird.

cheripye  – (6/01/2009 2:49 PM)  

Thank you! I found it and it is set to play! 80)

thewynd  – (6/01/2009 5:28 PM)  

Fantastic piece Cherie!

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