Random Balderdash and what I am doing...

Just some random mutterings of an overly burnt out brain, lol! But hey my INTERVIEW went GREAATTT!!!

For those of you who read Butterfly (BAtT) you know from my last post that I am for lack of a better way to put it BORED and downright STUCK on where to go next. So in an attempt to renew my enthusiasm for the story I started reading through the original work...

Well I will say this, I have decided to start editing it, as I feel the desire of course. But I have gone a completely different direction with the blog version than what I initially wrote. Hooray... As well I am at over 62,000 words and have 117 pages, YIPEE... NOT!!! So I think I am going to actually try and get it published... Especially since it is so different from the original, that is if I can find an agency willing to take it. DEFINATELY romance... and not like what I have been publishing. I am estimating once I finish converting it from first person *shudder* that's all characters! to third person and I add in details etc it will be well over 100,000 words...

And for the Dark Eyes fans, a pic of what is too come... Where is Lydie, LOL!
I have three chapters written just procrastinating on the screens, SORRY! 80)

KDSGS  – (6/13/2009 9:01 AM)  

I hear you about the bored and stuck part, I am with Dracula right now, hoping setting the reset button will jump start me!

And you know how I feel about you trying to get published, GO!! *getting out the pom poms*

Beautiful shot with Lydie. Hmmm. Looks almost magical! Cheers!

cheripye  – (6/13/2009 12:07 PM)  

Thanks Drew!
Yeah bored and stuck, it must be int the air, LOL! I am sure it will, I find many times I have to step back for an indefinate amount of time.

I just hope if I do get it edited there wont be any problems with the fact that I have written it out and posted a blog story that vaguely references it. 80)

It is a bit, that place, LOL! *wink*

KDSGS  – (6/13/2009 12:24 PM)  

If you do send it out to a publisher and there is a nibble, simply turn your blog into a 'invitation only' blog, so the general public can't see it, hence eliminates the 'published before' option, LOL!
Always thinking ahead, that's me...

cheripye  – (6/13/2009 12:49 PM)  

Thank you for the advice! I never thought about that!!! I never thought about that particular aspect. Thanks so much!!!

Robin  – (6/15/2009 6:04 PM)  

I would cry if you made your stories invite only. I love reading everything you guys write. I am sorry I never comment i guess since you guys dont know me i am shy about doing it. I love the house you made for Drew. I wish you would think about puting it up for download.


cheripye  – (6/15/2009 7:33 PM)  

No Worries Robin!
It wont be invite only until it is completed! and that is only so I can try and publish the almost mirror like older version. I will finish it!!! I swear! so you wont miss anything. and Invite only would mean if you were interested you could always email if you were me or whomever your interested in 80)

As far as commenting goes that is perfectly fine 80) to hear now that you enjoy is exciting enough! 80) and if you do feel like doing so feel free! we here are a supportive happy bunch. 8oD

I will consider making the house public eventually but for right now I need to let Drew enjoy her gift. (I built it for her as a thank you) Plus I would have to get approval from all the CC creators I used 80). Which could take a bit of time, LOL! although I tried to maintain it to only those who provided me approval. 80)

Thank you for your support it is truly worth so much!!! and Thank you for reading!!!

cheripye  – (6/15/2009 7:35 PM)  

I meant to say, LOL! if you were interested you could always email me or whomever you were interested in to gain access. 80)

KDSGS  – (6/16/2009 7:13 AM)  

Robin, all of us at the alliance would love it if you commented! It means so much to us as writers when we get comments, 'hey, someone is reading!' LOL!

And I will not be making any blogs 'invite only' unless like Cherie says, it is completed. I have done it for Thunder Valley Book I, but have no plans at this time to do it to any other blog stories.

And wasn't that house stunning?

Cherie, I am Soooo enjoying my gift. If sometime soon you want to put up an 'unfurnished' version (for example)for download, feel free!

S.B.  – (6/16/2009 2:03 PM)  

It sounds like a great plan! BaIT is a fantastic story - and these shots are wonderful.

I second Drew's comment.

Hey Robin! We appreciate the time and effort you take to read what we write.

cheripye  – (6/16/2009 5:15 PM)  

Thanks Drew!
I will think about it, but I want for you to be able to enjoy it on your own... Although a non furnished or partially furnished might not be so bad... Eventually 80)

cheripye  – (6/16/2009 5:17 PM)  

Thanks SB!
Yes amazing how much the blog version and the original differ... Names time frames ages etc. LOL! I have ALOT!!! of work ahead of me! but it will be worth it especially if I can get it published! 80)

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