De 10 is Posted!

Chapter 10 is posted! Warning Sim nudity and heavy language!!! Little Things

Thank you Drew!!! For the use of Garrard, aka Armand! and Thank you Phoenix for the mysterious keeper of the books, 80) LOL!

As usual a song is set to play the minute you enter so if you dont care to listen pause it. Linkin Park The Little Things...

Phoenix  – (5/27/2009 10:25 PM)  

No worries Cherie! I loved it! Your sets are brilliant as always!

cheripye  – (5/27/2009 11:44 PM)  

Thank you so very much Phoenix!!!
I cant begin to show you or Drew my gratitude! and I am so glad you enjoyed! I spent all of 10 minutes on A's room. 80)

KDSGS  – (5/29/2009 8:09 AM) are welcome Cherie, I have a nice mug of hot tea and I am ready to go read your update! Cannot wait to see Armand!

cheripye  – (5/29/2009 1:27 PM)  

Thank you so much Drew!!! I am so glad you enjoyed!!! and he was an amazing character to work with. 80)

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