A New Lorenza Manor

Lorenza Manor Front view, gotta love M & G they have some really nice features! like the roof slope option and the ivy... Actually for a ground up build, this was completed really quickly... Only took me 16 hours. Between yesterday and today, although I procrastinated on housekeeping... LOL! Granted I only decorated the rooms that would really be used, bathroom, kitchen and nursery are just basic for now.
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Sophia's room

Sophia's Deck
My absolute favorite part of this house, the pond/Garden area!
Sitting room/Parlor a bit bland but I wanted something simple
The entry (This one shows the fireplace in the parlor)
Front Entrance View Back Entrance View
Hehehe Alex is all moved in and waiting for Ava! The dining hall
Ava and Alexanders room
Ava and Alex's private deck.... I can see many a romantic dinner out here 80)

Phoenix  – (5/24/2009 9:30 PM)  

Dude, the building skills!! They're killing me! You're so bloody talented! These looks amazing Cherie! Breathtaking!

cheripye  – (5/24/2009 11:13 PM)  

LOL! Thanks Phoenix!!! lets just hope this one isnt as cursed as the original! I love to build and am always up for a request... 80) Definately challenging to create a period home though...

Anonymous –   – (5/25/2009 1:23 AM)  

Holy hell! Why can't I do something like this? I'm so jealous!

S.B.  – (5/25/2009 6:37 AM)  

Wow....absolutely gorgeous! I LOVE the ceiling detail in the bedrooms! You are so talented and to make everything fit the period had to be an incredible amount of work!

KDSGS  – (5/25/2009 9:20 AM)  

Cherie, I stand in awe, just beautiful, such care you obviously took! Wonderful~

cheripye  – (5/25/2009 11:34 AM)  

Thanks A.O.D. 80) sure you can! But it definately can be frustrating. 80)

cheripye  – (5/25/2009 11:35 AM)  

SB it is difficult to say the least, gotta make sure you have items and there isnt a plethora of regency. So I fudge and use Victorian. 80)

The ceilings take the longest figuring out what goes best. 80) Thank You again!

cheripye  – (5/25/2009 11:36 AM)  

Thank you Karen!
I love to build!!! and really found I missed it, *crossing fingers in hopes this one doesnt end up like the original... Smaller lot less CC will hope that does the trick. 80)

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