Procrastination 80P

Ok so rather than work on my next update! Completely anyhow I got side tracked. I didnt like any of the dresses for a wedding dress for Ava so I tried (I use that word carefully here) to create one of my own. It's not to bad I suppose, If I knew how to make bump maps I could probably make it a bit nicer....
So since I wanted to check out my handiwork I went ahead and did a small photoshoot of the happy bride to be, LOL! 80) Enjoy!

Just standing by the pond.... Yes it is official Lorenza manor is a wash. Do I feel like building a new one??? NOT particularly. 80)

Inside one of the rooms oyu havent seen yet. Please disregard the drum set... It was an accidental placement. 80)
Oh yeah I couldnt find a decent hairstyle that looked the era so I think... I may use this one. 80)

I think she looks kinda pretty. I worked really hard all day cutting bits from here and pasting there and lining everything up...
This is by far one of my favorites... Oh yeah I changed her makeup a bit too... Not loving the lipstick though... But her other one just wasnt doing it for me any more...

She looks almost pensive, nervous; Then again she does have a good reason to be!
Well that's all folks! Hope you enjoyed and please do tell me what you think!

Phoenix  – (3/15/2009 11:21 PM)  

Hey, I think the dress looks great! And your screens are gorgeous! Don't sell yourself short Cherie!! I give it a thumbs WAY up!

cheripye  – (3/15/2009 11:38 PM)  

Thank you Cheryl!
It's my first ever attempt at doing clothes... I think it came out pretty good actually, But some of the detail is lost. 80) and I noticed the lace bits arent as visible as I would like them to be. Oh well though, with practice makes perfect! 80)

S@n  – (3/16/2009 6:20 AM)  

She looks lovely!!!! :D

I do like her makeup, I think it adds a lot to her pale skin!!! she looks lovely, a little nervous, but she has reasons for that, I bet her babies would be sooo pretty!!! :D

And your dress is beautiful :D I do like it, I tried to make one some time ago, but that didn't work out good :D l ol it look ugly... and it looked like I ran out of cloth before I even finished it D: lol


You are so talented!!! :D

Emily  – (3/16/2009 6:48 AM)  

The dress looks great Cherie! And I do like her hairstyle, she looks beautiful! The dress is really good, even for your first time! I noticed on even the 'best' clothes that they aren't perfect up close but you don't really notice. I think it looks really good!

thewynd  – (3/16/2009 8:05 AM)  

Wow I am impressed with the dress and the shots are just lovely! You know I saw a tutorial somewhere about bumpmaps (not like I have any idea how that works) but when I find it, I will send you the link!

cheripye  – (3/16/2009 9:45 AM)  

Thank you Sandy!
I think I am going to edit her mouth a bit, it is really really full. LOL! I think that is the problem.

LOL! yes she does look a bit nervous, but as you said she has a reason... LOL!

And Lydie is Alex and Ava's daughter, LOL! Remember Isabella... I think... She and Alex do seem to make decent looking children. LOL!

That was my first ever clothing recolor, LOL! and I literally spent all day on it. 80)

Thank you again

S.B.  – (3/16/2009 10:00 AM)  

I am incredibly impressed! The dress is beautiful!

Ava looks gorgeous with that hairstyle too.

So you're giving up on the fought that place for such a long time! But sometimes there is just way to salvage them.

cheripye  – (3/16/2009 10:54 AM)  

Thank you Emily,
Yeah I notice that too, sometimes it will look stunning in the previews but when you load it up and try it, there are so many flaws... and everything is off a bit especially when your trying to do use actual clothing. 80)

cheripye  – (3/16/2009 10:56 AM)  

Thank you Gayl,
My first attempt, I am proud of it and have certainly gained a new appreciation for all the CC creators that do these clothing re-colors. There is so much involoved. 80)

I tried looking them up, but I was tired of being in front of the computer by that point. 80) No rush, but certainly if you find it I would love to have it. 80)

cheripye  – (3/16/2009 11:01 AM)  

Thank you Beth!!!
I do like this hairstyle on her despite it not being regency LOL!, messed around and tried some veils, but didnt find any I liked on her so I decided (Spoiler) they are getting married outside, so leave it off.

Yes... *sigh* 80( I am officially giving up on L. Manor... It still crashes even with all the CC ripped out of it. I do have to build them a house, they are living with Roberto right now. LOL! and believe me Veronica is none to happy about it... She doesnt like Ava at all! 80) Thank you again!

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