Because It's Was my Birthday and Because I can (SPOILER ALERT)

Ok So because Monday was my birthday and because I in all reality can!. LOL! I am celebrating my last year in my twenties.... (who cares) I am posting a few snaps of the double A's... I was playing around with their wedding.... So SPOILER CONTAINED!!! (Non has been saved so it is entirely possible it wont happen this way... Oh Yeah the ugly minisiter is Romeo Monty with some major editing!!! He was a hideous adult. LOL!

I really had alot of fun doing this, especially considering I have been so out of it as of late!!!

cheripye  – (3/17/2009 8:19 AM)  

Oh yeah if anyone knows where to find a better looking (preferably period piece) minister outfit, please do tell. LOL!

KDSGS  – (3/17/2009 8:39 AM)  

Your shots are just stunning, from Ava's dress (nice job BTW) to these shots. I use a minister's outfit, the guy in Thunder Valley wears, but I can't remember where I got it. I will look into it.
Lovely shots~

cheripye  – (3/17/2009 9:29 AM)  

Thank you Karen!
I had so much fun playing around in the game and cant wait, I will take another peek at TV and see if in my adventures I have come across it.
And I am not to disappointed in my first clothing recolor.LOL!

Phoenix  – (3/17/2009 2:03 PM)  

Ohhh....those are some lovely shots!! The double A's!!! YAY!!!! And HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I hope it was a good one!

cheripye  – (3/17/2009 5:44 PM)  

Thank you Cheryl!
Well no Hurray's just yet, I am mapping things out figuring how I want to do... They are still just engaged, LOL!

And thank you... Nothing special for me... LOL!

thewynd  – (3/17/2009 6:15 PM)  

Really nice angles in those shots and the color is very vivid! I always love your backgrounds.

cheripye  – (3/17/2009 8:27 PM)  

Thank you Gayl!
I actually did nothing to these pics, just took em and posted LOL! other than extracting the nefarious version number, lol!

I really enjoyed these shots and it really shows, I took a series to try and post in a movie maker too. If I get around to it, 80)

S@n  – (3/17/2009 10:27 PM)  

AWww that so romantic!!!!

Happy belated Birthday!!!! :D

lovely pictures, I hope you had a wonderful day!!!!

cheripye  – (3/17/2009 10:54 PM)  

Thanks Sandy!!!
Of course I had a wonderful beautiful day full of....
But when I got home it was all good, we are going to do something this weekend to celebrate.... WOrst part, waiting, LOL!
I have a whole piece dedicated to this, just have to edit and shoot. I was playing seeing what I could use so I played it in game and these are the shots I got. 80)

S.B.  – (3/19/2009 10:29 PM)  

Just beautiful! Gorgeous landscaping and incredible angles and shots!

cheripye  – (3/20/2009 8:39 AM)  

Thank you SB,
I had fun with this one... And I was testing out GM's Camera... Dont see much difference from Regular... Maybe I didnt do it right... LOL!

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