Offer and some news

As several of you know I am more than willing to share any of my custom sims with you. Just let me know if you want any one of them and I will gladly send them to you. 80) and I mean any of them. Heaven knows they arent being played with as much as they should, LOL!

As well just wanted to let you know I have chapter 22 & 23 complete and am half way through 24 of Butterfly. Just need to edit them and take the shots... Will try and get an update this weekend. I really found I missed this story line. 80) although I am considering tying it up here soon. If I can... So many loose ends I need to tie up first. and there is a possible Dark eyes update as well I have an idea... LOL!

As well my house blog is coming along slowly but surely, I will most likely make it public this weekend. 80)

Thank you all for being such a supportive and friendly group, it is a pleasure to be a part of all of this. Especially during my difficult last few months!

Special thanks to Gayl, Beth, Karen, Sandy, Emily and Cheryl! 80)

Emily  – (3/14/2009 7:55 AM)  

LOL, I feel the same way about some of my simmies, they don't get played with nearly enough!

Hey, I'm just glad to help when I can, I'm happy you're part of our little group!

S@n  – (3/14/2009 8:01 AM)  

Thank you for the offer Cherie!!!

After I'm done with the lover, I will be cleaning my game, but after that I would love to have some of your characters :D

there is nothing to thank Cherie, we are here for you, that's what the alliance is for!!! :D

Take care and thank you so much for the offer, I can't wait to see your houses :D

that's a lovely pictures!!!

KDSGS  – (3/14/2009 8:17 AM)  

Cherie, I may take you up on your offer, I have to give it some thought, where I will slot in a character~ Do you extract them from the game? I wish I knew how to do that!!
Look forward to your house blog as well!

cheripye  – (3/14/2009 1:22 PM)  

Thanks Emily!
I have a load of sims that I have created but never got used and now as I am moving into the next phase there are a few that will be disapearing...

cheripye  – (3/14/2009 1:24 PM)  

Sandy I know how your feeling,
I have to clean out my game and I am seriously thinking about just dumping all my CC and starting from scratch... Then I think about all the gifts and the items I dont have access to anymore and I shake my head... But I have entirely too much CC... lol!

cheripye  – (3/14/2009 1:26 PM)  

Even if you use them as a secondary character or background I dont care! LOL! I love creating the sims too... It is fun to spend hours to days messing with one and getting them just right. 80)

Yes and no on extracting them from the game, you have to use simpe, which took me absolutlely for ever to figure out. 80) I was thinking about doing a tutorial for it on our tutorial blog...

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