BAtT Update!!

Finally!!! an Update to Butterfly!! Decisions

It is a bit shorter than my usual, but it was the best I could get out. As well I had way to much fun with Photoshop, don't get to used to the maddening effects I used, LOL! I was just playing around... As well I didn't spend to awful much time editing so it isn't really one of my better chapters. In truth I am just grateful I actually had the patience and fortitude of thought to get this one out, LOL! 80)


Phoenix  – (3/08/2009 11:12 PM)  

YAY!! Update!!!

*goes to read*

cheripye  – (3/08/2009 11:16 PM)  

Cant wait to see what you think, You're certainly burning the midnight oil. 80) although I am not one to talk, I gotta go to work but cant sleep. 80)

thewynd  – (3/11/2009 8:05 AM)  

This was a great update Cherie!

cheripye  – (3/12/2009 9:26 PM)  

Thank you Gayl! glad you enjoyed!

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