Update Delayed and a small preview...

Thanks to my B-Day my husband and I are having a few friends over tomorrow for our first BBQ, something we do every year, weather permitting, So I really should have thought of it.... I feel like I have been in the kitchen since I got home 5 Hours ago, LOL! I am making my Homemade Fajita's, so had to make the marinade then had to make the GasPatcho??? I am sure I spelled that wrong.... Not to mention salsa(Perhaps I should say Pico de Gallo, lol) and Guacamole, LOL! So my BAtT update will not be at least for a couple more days... So I leave you with the new banner ( I do not care for it much, but it's better than the last) Working on a couple more now...
and a couple previews too. LOL!

Update should be in a couple of days and I swear, I have read everyone's updates just need to sit down and RE COMMENT!!! I swear Bloggergeist hates me... Everytime I leave something it erases.... *Grumble Growl* That or gives me an error... I am starting to think my computer is having a fit too.... LOL!

Wherever could Marianne be???? One of my newest houses... Only took me 3 weeks at about 2 hours a week. LOL!
Obviously it doesnt make her happy, LOL! But Hey at least she has Mister Handsome Townie to watch over her while she sleeps. Or is it possible he found a way to put her to rest, LOL! Actually the whole next chapter is about Mari I think to make things easier and get back into posting I will focus on one character or situation at a time. Especially being I want to wrap this Story up soon... (Within the next year soon) LOL! although BAtT Doesnt end with Ava... Already begun Drafting the next Installment... 80) Still I have to say Part 2 is certainly more detailed.... (At least so far) then again I am known for changing everything up at last minute... LOL!

Phoenix  – (3/20/2009 10:27 PM)  

Oh that house looks amazing!! And Poor Mari looks so sad! That's a stunning shot of her Cherie!! And the townie does look hot!!

Enjoy your BBQ!!!:D

S.B.  – (3/21/2009 6:09 AM)  

beautiful shots and I really like the new banner!

I know what you mean about Blogger deleting the comments. I've gotten so freaking paranoid about that. I actually select and copy the comment text before I hit the submit button, just in case I have to do it all over again LOL!

Enjoy your BBQ! Sounds great!

S@n  – (3/21/2009 6:38 AM)  

Poor Mari, and is him really a Townie? he is really cute compare to my ugly monkey townies!!!!

Fajitas, salsa and guacamole!!! that sounds soooo yummy :D lol I would eat all the guacamole by my self :Dlol

Enjoy your day and have lots of fun!!!!

I like the banner, and I can't wait to see what else you come up with!!!

I really like the house as well, I want to see the inside, your decoration is always amazing!!!

thewynd  – (3/21/2009 4:53 PM)  

Great shots Cherie! That house is fantastic!

Enjoy your BBQ! Sounds like fun!

cheripye  – (3/21/2009 7:04 PM)  

Thank you everyone!!!
The BBQ was a blast although it was overcast and started sprinkling a little bit ago... 80) Still we had a ton of fun. 80)

SB~Yes I usually comment as I read so I have it in word pad... issue is I dont save the comments. Especially if they go through... But they arent posting for some odd reason.

Sandy~ I feel you on the Guacamole, I love avocado's period...

Cheryl and Sandy~ I do like this house... It is so simple yet came out very nicely to me. LOL!

And Marianne, Well what can I say that wont give anything away... Things just arent going to be easy for her just yet. 80)

cheripye  – (3/21/2009 7:05 PM)  

Oh forgot to say,
The townie is the guy 'Picasso' I believe... But I have Default skin and eyes, I know the eyes are Rensim Defaults... Do not remember on the skins though.

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