Slowly Recouping

I am just posting to say that I am still here. Just been really swamped with RL and a new project at work. HOORAY!

I have had to delete the entire Wilshire village and completely remove Desirada valley, which means I have to recreate all the sims, and two of my lots have decided to give me nothing but errors. The two main ones. Lorenza manor and Wilshire manor. I have utterly no clue as to why so I am going to just try and build sets. For the next screens. But this is pushing my next butterfly update way back. 80)

As well my newest character has hijacked me!!! To the point I cant seem to write anyone or anything else so I am just sitting back and taking a nice long breath... with the hopes of being able to silence him! lol! Maybe if I dont write about him he will go silent??? I hope, lol!

I am posting a few pics that I have taken in the hopes of a new Banner for dark eyes, on the main Dark Eyes page. Enjoy... And please let me know what you think, I am going to do some heavy editing etc. Prospective Shots

S@n  – (11/19/2008 5:24 AM)  

Great pictures Cherie!!!

Hurray for your project! :D I miss working, lol maybe next year I will get myself a job!! :D lol

Emily  – (11/19/2008 5:35 AM)  

So sorry to hear that Cherie! Something like that would probably cause me to just give up! :D
I love building lots but they take SO long to do! Hope everything works out okay for you.

cheripye  – (11/19/2008 8:29 AM)  

Thanks Sandy! I am truly a
work-a-holic, LOL! Helps that I love what I do though. And triple YAY! I got a raise!!!! Just found out 10 minutes ago!!! 80)

cheripye  – (11/19/2008 8:31 AM)  

Thank you Emily,
It is daunting, I have both lots as shells and decorated, so I will try and load the shells and see if that is the issue. Maybe something between the two items that I am missed in my CC cleanup.

If nothing else I will make a box and decorate it, lol! And I do have everyone so on the brightside you wont be seeing different characters. Although I am thinking of a makeover for Ava's skin. Possibly. 80)

thewynd  – (11/20/2008 11:04 AM)  

A word of caution regarding the would-be muse...ignoring them does not make them go away. They get much more persistent! LOL!

Sorry you are having so much trouble. I feel your pain though. I am trying to build Paris and for some reason I can't load lots. None of them. It is odd. Hopefully you won't have too much more trouble.

cheripye  – (11/20/2008 11:28 AM)  

Thanks Gayl,

Yeah I am trying something Beth told me, focusing intently on another character. And once again... He I keep getting idea's. lol! I think I am just going to have to write him out and fill in the blanks later. 80)

I am slowly working on it, Lorenza manor is huge and has alot of CC. Although I have 4GB with 2.6 available. I dont know! I guess I will just build the needed sets. Such a waste of a beautiful lot. LOL! And I think... Crossing fingers here, I think I found the issue with Wilshire. 80)

S.B.  – (11/20/2008 5:01 PM)  

Once they start talking, forget about it, you'll never shut them up. Get ready for the ride LOL! Because there are some really big jumps ahead of you!

cheripye  – (11/20/2008 5:22 PM)  

LOL! Yeah, although I did manage to get chapter 3 completed... Although I am thinking about doing a little more on it. That is if I can get him to shut up. LOL! and OH MY! is he ever a pain. 80)

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