Chapter 2~Hateful Hero

Special Thanks to Sandy for her wonderful work on the Bite marks!!! Thank you so very much Sandy!!!!

Chapter 2 is now posted and trust me I am feeling the pressure. UGH! these pictures are a pain in the rear to get. Not to mention edit, but hey at least I am learning how to work the darn program. lol!

On that same note many of the pictures do not match, nor are they the way I want them to be, but lightening the night time shots sucks! I will eventually get it, but oh well for now I have posted. Next update in a month, possibly a bit longer. Although I hope not, 80)

Once again the language and sexual tension/reference is stronger in this chapter than the previous. 80) but I am letting myself write a little more freely with this story. 80)

Hateful Hero

Oh yes suggested song for this chapter is

Hole~by Linkin Park... To me it fits so perfectly, lol!


S@n  – (11/12/2008 10:17 PM)  

My dear Cherie, Trevor just gave me some filters for my photoshop they create gorgeous skies... night or day, or sunsets, etc... they work fantastic....

it is a shame you don't have photoshop or I could just send them to you....

but if you need help with the night sky let me know!!!

some time the sky in the game looks TOO blue!!! :D

I will read this chapter first thing in t he morning... my eyes are so tired right now that I wouldn't be able to enjoy your fantastic writing!!! and I want to be completely focus on Jay and Lyd!!! :D

I can't wait and you are very welcome if you need more help just let me know...

S@n  – (11/12/2008 10:18 PM)  

Oh, Trevor is my husband!!! :D lol

cheripye  – (11/12/2008 10:22 PM)  

LOL! thank you so much, Yes I noticed the too blue thing... *Sigh* I have a choice, a new camera... Which my other one was broken by newest cat, or Photoshop... *grumble* but I am truly missing my photography. DE's blog header is one of mine... lol!

Although I do so want photoshop... Hmmm.... I know that there are tools out there for Paintshop, I think I will look into them.

And have a great night, and once again thank you so very much for your assitance! 80) *hugs*

My husband's name is Danny! 80)

cheripye  – (11/12/2008 10:23 PM)  

oh yes my dear Sandy, This blogs header is also one of mine, lol!

Goodnight! cant wait to see what you think!

S@n  – (11/13/2008 6:18 AM)  

Oh my!!! those pictures are gorgeous!!! so you are into Photography!!!!

I loved the Dark Eye's cover... it is breathtaking!!!!

Very artistic... I do like photography too... but I don't have anything as beautiful as your shots!!! Congrats, they are gorgeous!!!!

Anonymous –   – (11/13/2008 7:20 AM)  

WONDERFUL chapter my friend! Left you a comment! :D

YOUR COVERS: WOW! Cherie they are freaking AWESOME! I love the way you captured the natural beauty of those flowers, and the cover of DE, OMG! The way you capture the reflection of the sun on the water, the small ripples, FREAKING GENIUS! BRAVO! Please, do show us more of your gorgeos photography, PLEASE! :D

cheripye  – (11/13/2008 8:24 AM)  

Thank you Sandy and Zayuri!!!

Yes I love photography, most of my shots come when I take my dog for a walk. and hahaha, guess what Zayuri, The flowers are Cherry blossoms, lol! I will showcase a few more of my shots, I have a bunch of CD's filled with shots, ranging from my cats and dog to anything nature.

Forget people, I always end up taking shots that make them look horrid, lol!

cheripye  – (11/13/2008 8:26 AM)  

Oh yes I forgot to say, DE's is a temp although I was thinking about overlaying some shots of Jay and Lydie...

KDSGS  – (11/16/2008 9:19 AM)  

Had a quick glance! Looks fantastic mate, what you did with this blog! Great work!
Cannot wait to read your story when I get home!!!
Cheers mate!!

cheripye  – (11/16/2008 1:25 PM)  

Glad you enjoyed Karen, and I know you have alot to catch up on. Enjoy your time with your family! 80)

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