Taking a break from the Joys of the Game~80S

While trying to be in game for longer than a few minutes I decided to quell my fear of Marianne and Henry creating hideous children...

Same for Catherine and Franklin... So enjoy the unborn babies of the two couples. I would have had some from Ava and Alex, but everytime she went to have the baby the game crashed... Go figure, lol!

I didnt save so the girls are still pregnant, I just wanted to take a break of whimsy... Up next possible spawn for the Double A's, LOL! I am sure Alex wouldnt mind... LOL!

Actually I am rather surprised, normally I Have hideous Monkey kids... LOL! Enjoy

Evelyn Grant ~ daughter of Henry and Marianne Grant, LOL! looks like Mary's stuck for another go round here with Henry. LOL! Evie got her fathers eyes color and shape. Mothers mouth and skin tone.

Toddler~Ok so I have absolutely no idea why her eyelashes are so off... At this point I am getting alittle worried about the turn out of the girl. *chewing fingernail* LOL!

Child~*Breathing a sigh of relief* Evelyn is a rather decent looking little girl, poor thing has her dad's nose though. 80D and still the eyelash thing...

Teenager~*WHEW!* the eyelashes are normal now!!! and she isnt looking so horrid, although that shnoz, new I should have edited Henry's a bit. LOL!

Adult~Ok in general Evelyn is not that bad looking... Especially for being born in game to two other sims, Marianne who was born in game and Henry who is an combination of his mother and father in Create a Sim.
It is my personal observation that those usually end up creating hideous children... And I actually see a bit of Charles in her too!

Ah sweet happy little Isaih Grant ~ Son of Franklin and Catherine Grant.
Completely different combination here. He got his mothers hair and eyes and fathers skintone and mouth and nose. Those darned grants and their oberwhelming nose, LOL!

Toddler~At least there is no eye lash thing happening with this young man, and he is such a happy kid...

Child~Looks like he is getting his hairstyle advice from Uncle Alex, LOL! and this is what the game assigned him. I think he is rather decent looking. and I am noticing the chin too, must be a grant trait.

Teen~ Hmm, not bad but certainly not great either... Poor children they have their father's noses...

Adult~ Now, I am completely surprised, Isaih turned out really well... for yet another in game born. Catherine was a Custome of mine and Franklin is the same as Henry, I used Create a sim made their parents and then made a baby, LOL!

Anonymous –   – (10/25/2008 7:47 PM)  

I tried not to read to much as to whose baby is whose, (don't want to get that far ahead of myself, lol) but Evelyn did come out quite nicely, although you are going to have to treat her to a new nose job, lol! :D

Isaih: WOW! He is GORGEOUS! He has an innocent look, that is just begging for 'mama' Zayury to take care of him! :evil grin: :wub:

cheripye  – (10/25/2008 8:04 PM)  

LOL!!! Thank you Zayury!
Yes When I allow her to be born again, she will need some surgery on that shnoz! LOL! I didnt save so the mother is still preggo. 80) but I found that the three times I tried to do it she still had the same baby. ;)

I am truthfully surprised with Isaih too! and once again when he's born I will send him to you if you want. 80) LOL!

Thanks for viewing and commenting 80)

Anonymous –   – (10/25/2008 9:53 PM)  

Oh! WOW! I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE HIM! WOW! I can't believe you are offering such a delicious 'treat' to me! THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU, THANK-YOU! I love having GORGEOUS male Sims in my game, and for my stories/shoots! They are so hard to come by! :D You are welcome to any of my Sim models or any of my 'seven dwarfs'! :D You can see their pics on my blog! Under 'My Models' and 'Just What the Doctor Ordered' for the 'Seven Dwarfs'! I would love to send you any you want! :wub:

cheripye  – (10/25/2008 11:38 PM)  

I will most happily send you any of my sims. LOL! I take pride in creating and this one, well... He is completely a shock, LOL!

Then again I think I will take a look at those dwarves again, lol! (SHH dont tell the hubby) lol!

S.B.  – (10/26/2008 6:55 AM)  

they are all lovely children, Cherie. Isaih is probably the heartbreaker in the bunch, though!

I have problems with the eyelashes not lining up properly, too. Probably something to do with the shape of the eyes.

Emily  – (10/26/2008 6:58 AM)  

I think you're right, they both turned out pretty good considering they were born in game. You just never know how that will turn out! I think the boy is really handsome at the adult stage!

thewynd  – (10/26/2008 9:01 AM)  

I have been pretty lucky with my born in game children so far. Wyatt, my first, turned out fantastic and is a nice blend of his parents. I think Tessa is an unusual beauty but she was spawned with the Insim machine and her parents DNA.

You know a little makeup on Evie could drastically change her without the "nose job". But they both turned out quite nicely!

cheripye  – (10/26/2008 10:04 AM)  

Thank you Beth,
Yeah I think I will certainly have to come up with a story For Isaih. He truly surprised me. Generally my kids come out horrid.

cheripye  – (10/26/2008 10:05 AM)  

Thank you Emily,
I am very surprised he turned out so nice, I was getting a little worried there during the teen shot.

And Evie isnt so bad either.

cheripye  – (10/26/2008 10:07 AM)  

Thank you Gayl,
Yes your children have come out very nicely. Tessa? I think I have to go back and look... That or need some more coffee. lol!

As far as Evie goes, a little makeup and a different hairstyle, fix those eyebrows and she should be good. 80)

thewynd  – (10/26/2008 10:26 AM)  

You've seen Tessa in South Beach more than DD. I showed her in a scene with Julia so it was a while back and she was a teen then. But she is all grown up now and married to Gabe. Lucky girl *she said tongue in cheek*

cheripye  – (10/26/2008 11:21 AM)  

LOL! DUH! *smacking self in the head*... Now I remember the Attorney's daughter... And how could I forget that Gabe got married, LOL! Yes she came out very nicely. 80) Thanks for the reminder ;o)

S@n  – (10/26/2008 7:39 PM)  

It was a crazy day, but I'm finally here to comment!! :D

Evelyn will be cuter with some make up... but yes she did grow up nicely, she looks like she is drunk in her toddler pic!! :D lol maybe is the eyelashes thing... lol but yeah she was cute as a child...
a little make up will always help her..

and the little boy!!! What a handsome man!!! lol he turned out really well... I'm not into blondes, lol but he looks great with that hair do!! :D He is gorgeous!! :D

cheripye  – (10/26/2008 8:18 PM)  

LOL! Well glad to see you made it Sandy,

And I am not into the blonds either. I prefer dark hair and dark features. LOL! Then again I certainly wouldnt turn someone wonderful away for being opposite. LOL!

Yes Evie, turned out ok, I just really needed some non game fix time, LOL!

cheripye  – (10/26/2008 8:20 PM)  

Oh and thank you she does look drunk! LOL!!!

KDSGS  – (10/27/2008 8:55 AM)  

Hi Cherie Here I am, sick all weekend, love the transition!
No Monkey children, that is the main thing! Cheers!

cheripye  – (10/27/2008 1:51 PM)  

Yes! LOL! No monkey's! lol!

Well feel better soon, plenty of rest, fluids and chicken soup. And thank you again for viewing and commenting.

Mao  – (10/27/2008 5:42 PM)  

Wow! Isaih is certainly a surprise. Not so sure about Evelyn, though, LOL!

I was surprised that Christian and Beryl's spawn turned out normal looking, too. It was only one pacifier roll. I was so worried she'd be hideous and deformed. xb

cheripye  – (10/27/2008 7:57 PM)  

LOL! yeah Isaih really was a shock even to me! and Evie, well she isnt that horrid, make a few changes to hair and put some makeup on her she may yet turn out decent. LOL!

These guys were actually born in game. But Henry and Franklin took me about ten Pacifier roles apiece. LOL! just to get something not hideous looking, LOL! so good for you!

Thanks for viewing and commenting Mao. 80)

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