Butterfly Chapter 16 ~ The Ball Part 1

The first part of the ball is now posted, after much heartache, anger and frustration with my Darned game. That keeps crashing... One more post before I take a few weeks off to resolve all these blasted issues and hopefully regain some of my mojo. 80)


Heart & Soul

S.B.  – (10/22/2008 1:05 PM)  

Just keep at it, but do take a break. I've never had problems like I've been having since installing AL.

And I am so grateful to you for holding my hand while I struggle with them. Thank you for all the great info, help, and moral support.

cheripye  – (10/22/2008 1:35 PM)  

Neither have I, although I have narrowed it down. It is not a memory issue, although AL takes up almost a GB. My computer is maid to handle games that use more memory than that. I finally made some contact with Velocity and they told me there should be absolutely no issues running it.

And thank you too, for listening to my rants and raves and for all the wonderful insight as well. *Hugs* After this we will probably be the Tech support for everyone, LOL!

KDSGS  – (10/24/2008 9:23 AM)  

Wow, you guys have been through a lot with AL, I am more convinced than ever not to move past Seasons! LOL!

Glad we have each other for support, I have learned a lot (about my computer and the game) since we formed the Alliance!

Beautiful shot Cherie of the two men, love the look on Alex's face! Got bit of a sneer going on there!

cheripye  – (10/24/2008 11:35 AM)  

Thank you Karen,
I did like this screen, but chose to use the upclose in the chapter. LOL! and Alex he really does give the most interesting faces, Handsome little bug, 80).

Yes I have learned so much and it is so nice to have such wonderful support.

AL and I are having our issues, but it is no where near what Beth is experiencing. Although I am still looking for a smily with the finger to send to EA. LOL!

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