Bitch BITCH Bitch

Ok I think the title says it all but sometimes I just have too... Long night 1 hour 45 minutes sleep plus have to work today, everything is crumbling around me... SO I am doing what I know how to do, I am bitching about it. LOL!

But I found this while looking for a fitting post... To bad MIL doesnt have a pic I could post... I mean truly must these wonderful additions that you inherit to your family, the moment you marry take control of everything when you are just trying to let them know what is happening. Ok now I am seriously starting to get irked, so what happens if the worst comes to play. WHat then will she step up and try and take everything I have worked so hard to earn??? Alright no need to answer or even read, I am just fed up...

Plus I came home for lunch to find my dog piddled on the floor. She's three years old and knows better. Probably upset because neither of us was home. *Hum*

End rant.... LOL! 80)

KDSGS  – (11/19/2009 5:55 AM) that term, it was well put to be sure!
Hang in there mate, and take care, will email you soon!!

And hey, if we can't rant on our own blogs, why have one?

cheripye  – (11/19/2009 11:40 AM)  


This one just fits exactly how I feel I think I am going to make it a permanent fixture of my blog. Because I am a bitch, LOL! although not in a bad way. LOL!

Thank you!!! I am hangin on and riding the lightning bolts that come with the storm. Hmmm... I guess all I need now is a lasso and a hat to wave about. LOL! 80)

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