Two Weeks of Hell Day Two!

LOL! Ok so I opened my big fat mouth and VOLUNTEERED to take on a specific set of sessions for a program we have. Little did I know that it would entail two sessions per fortunately one was cancelled today. 80) I can breath again, and I have a deadline of 10-18 to get 200 participants in to my supervisor, not to mention the current tower of 48 files that I have to make calls and send letters on. LOL!

I love my job, I love my job... *Yeah keep telling myself that* LOL! just kidding, well at least I am handling it, but I am not going to around much during probably the next two weeks. Actually longer my computer is going to the doctor this weekend... And I am a bit afraid to touch my brothers, he has a cold and I really dont want one! 80) then again I have plenty of lysol...

S.B.  – (10/08/2009 9:52 PM)  

stay well...breathe...and yeah, just keep going LOL!

xtinabobina  – (10/10/2009 12:49 PM)  

hi there! my name is christina and i'm stopping by to introduce myself. i stumbled across your blog at ~drews and i know she uses your sims in her stories. i've seen them and you make really lovely simmies! anyway, hope to hear from you!


cheripye  – (10/10/2009 1:30 PM)  

LOL! Thanks SB, yeah unfortunately I got the damned cold... Woke up feeling like shit...80) but I gotta keep going, plenty of good stuff including some theraflu, knock it out of my butt before Monday. 80) and only one more week to go... 80)

cheripye  – (10/10/2009 1:34 PM)  

Nice to meet you xtina!
I have seen your sims as well and I love them, I am thinking of downloading a couple for one of my stories! And welcome!!! Drew is a darling, I adore her, she sponsored me when I first started this all. 80) on her blog 80) Thanks for the compliment!

thewynd  – (10/11/2009 2:55 PM)  

I hope you recover soon Cherie. Take care of yourself.

cheripye  – (10/12/2009 6:21 PM)  

Thanks Gayl, and right back to you! I am handling it...

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