Half month of Hell Day 13

Ok So I am still buried under files, working like a mad rabid chicken to get through all of this, with the ever looming deadline approaching. I have had to break down and plead with co-workers to help me. 80) with some of the easier things...

Okey Dokey, pressures on!!!

I have read everyone's update but I am still out of it, so exhausted by the time I get home and the carrier monkey from outbreak, as I have decided my little bro is, has managed to get me sick in the process... So yeah not fun at all when I have to explain programs etc to crowds of 30. 80) But I am doing it and I am making it...

Just a random update while I break away from Manilla folder cuts, staple munchers and massive amounts of paperwork. LOL!

One more session today, then one more on THURSDAY!!!! I can hardly wait! But then comes the joy of catch up! with all the files that dont pertain to this particular program... Geesh! that will take me a week!

KDSGS  – (10/13/2009 1:06 PM)  

I hear you about the sick part, not fun. NOT at all.
I do remember what it was like to work for a living, keep plugging away!
A rabid mad chicken? Just don't drool foam on your files...

cheripye  – (10/13/2009 1:30 PM)  

LMAO! Too Late! files are foaming as much as me LOL!

yeah not really fun at all and it is starting to settle in my chest! Ok freak out there especially after last summers Extreme Bronchitis that verged on Pnuemonia... I cant afford it, but my coffee is being replaced with echinacia tea! and lots of Vitamin C etc... Hopefully all will be well. 80)

And Plug away I am doing! 80) Thanks Drew!

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