Some Beach Photos

Just a couple of beach shots, not highly edited... Not yet anyhow but I loved these two and am too tired to work on the rest.... I am not posting yet on my Photo blog, especially since the new members dont have access... (If anyone wants access please feel free to email me)

I love how the water was pulling back, giving just enough glimpse of the sand (gravel) and the illusion. Bodega Bay is my absolute favorite place! used to go there every weekend as a teen and have um... Bonfires... Yeah that's all... Roast marshmallows... Beer... and just general fun! Even the rangers were cool with us (10-12 years ago) now I dont think so much, my little bro told me he and his friends were booted. 80)
I am a bit disappointed with the flowers they were to light and the sun was shining on them but I love this shot... Looks great as a Desktop too!

Phoenix  – (5/17/2009 7:11 PM)  

Ohhh...these pics are pretty Cherie! I don't know how you do it! You must have a steady hand. I love the second shot.

cheripye  – (5/18/2009 11:12 AM)  

I love that second one too! I want to have it made into a puzzle, LOL! I dont know that I have a steady hand, just really point and click, LOL!

Thanks so much!

KDSGS  – (5/18/2009 2:43 PM)  

Beautiful shots! I am envious. But hey! the snow I got all melted, LOL!
Hope you had a nice time!!

cheripye  – (5/18/2009 3:44 PM)  

Thanks Karen!! and hooray, I hope your flowers are safe! I had a blast, it was so nice to get out of the house and town for a while. 80)

thewynd  – (5/19/2009 5:00 PM)  

Bodega Bay is wonderful and these two shots are beautiful. You really have a knack for capturing beauty.

I can't wait to see the rest!

cheripye  – (5/20/2009 8:24 AM)  

Thanks Gayl!
these are my favorites and Bodega is definately the my favorite for the california coast. I am working on the others, I used the beach snow setting on my camera so I just have to darken it a bit and should be done with them by this weekend. 80)

S.B.  – (5/22/2009 1:00 PM)  

absolutely stunning! the water and the flowers, the slope of the land, the sky...just perfect!

cheripye  – (5/22/2009 3:46 PM)  

Thank you SB!!!
The day was so beautiful! I took very few pictures, worked on my tan... But I do have more to post eventually. 80)

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