BAtT characters Revamped

Rest of the characters coming soon, still working on editing the pics. 80)
As you all know I have had to re-install my games which means I had to recreate the cast... Still have to rebuild as well.... GRUMBLE!
But this has given me the excuse to make some changes to my characters... Minor although still...
Sophia has got new eyes and skin tone... Plus I thinned down her mouth a bit

Ava and Catherine got new skin tones, I thought Ava looked a little too yellow before and for some reason she comes through in the sims pack but the skin tone wasnt. Dont know why. As well I thinned out her lips Catherine got a new skin as well and I shrunk her eyes just a bit.
Alex is all the same with the exception of the skin and eyes, oh yeah hair too! I think he looks better now.
As well will be going out of town for the weekend so will catch up when I get back 80)

KDSGS  – (5/16/2009 10:09 AM)  

Ok, I LOVE Alex's new look, the new skin is lovely, and the hair!
I admire your tenacity and determination to rebuild, personally, I think if it happened to me I would have thrown myself under a truck! LOL!

Emily  – (5/17/2009 8:22 AM)  

*Smacks head* I think I still have Alex and Ava in my BS, oh well, they look great although I probably could have sent them to you! But they may not have worked since you said that thing with the skintone.

Actually I may not still have them, so I guess it's good that you re-did them. They do look great! I especially like Catherine and Alex, and well, all of them!

cheripye  – (5/17/2009 5:01 PM)  

Thanks Karen!
I actually think he looks better... I hate to change Characters up in the middle of the story but since I had to oh well. lOL! I did find Wilshire manor, Charle's cabin and the castle... So it is only a matter of damage control, see what items are missing, what items arent working etc... Should be fairly quick.

cheripye  – (5/17/2009 5:02 PM)  

Oh thank you Emily!
I still have their packages... and Ava's skin is the only one that messes up... Dont know why, it just keeps going really dark. So it is probably corrupted... Pooh...

Thanks so much!!!

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