What do you do when you get the pure black screen?

I have been trying to get into my game and it loads all the way into the neighborhood but when I select a lot to visit, even without the CC it loads and goes into a pure black screen and just stays like that. Does anyone know what I can do to repair this? Hopefully without having to re-install my games.

S.B.  – (4/12/2009 7:33 AM)  

First try updating your video drivers. If you can hear it running in the background, it hasn't crashed, then that might be the problem.

cheripye  – (4/12/2009 10:00 AM)  

I will try that, although I did do an update on them about a month ago. I am going to pull the nb and try another... If all else fails I will be forced to start from scratch in a new NB... Not exactly my ideal plan but it's worth it if I can get the game working again. 80)

I also noticed while I was backing up and re-exporting my sims that alot of them are showing empty. No picture no info nothing so the game may be having an error. Makes sense the darned thing ususally works for about a year to year and a half before it needs a re-install. LOL!

If I have to re-install then I have too, not particularly looking forward to it though, and i cant find my Free Time CD...

Mao  – (4/12/2009 11:44 AM)  

It is usually video drivers that causes it, like Beth said. :( if you're all up-to-date and it's still doing it, yikes. I generally don't update mine much, because The Sims 2 is VERY finicky. If it finds a driver it likes, I stick to it.

Hopefully you can get it working!

cheripye  – (4/12/2009 4:08 PM)  

I know the feeling about S2 and it's pickiness. LOL! I checked on any updates for my driver and apparently Nvidia came out with one on 4-2 so I downloaded it and the game is working again... Hmmm... Frustrating that this occured though. 80)

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