Random News

Absolutely random and mundane news,

I guess I am just buzzing... The muse has struck me, more aptly decided to repeatedly beat me over the head and force me to pound out a whole crap load of DE stuff... This last chapter although not exactly what I would have wanted actually gave me a point of direction. Hurray!!! and I have all the shots for the next chapter and possibly unless I decide to force upon you all an extremely long one, at least half to 3/4's of Chapter 8 as well.

Then there is that all around wonderful glow! the best feeling in the world is having your co-worker pull you aside and tell you not to where those pants anymore because they make you look like you've got a load in your pants. I know it sounds rude, but she meant it in the best possible way, as well she gave me a new "Sexy" suit... LOL! So I tried it on and although I avoid vanity it felt good to actually look good in it.

SO I tried on a bathing suit I bought last year in hopes of fitting into come summer... No such luck and low and behold IT FITS!!!! Yet another strike to the self esteem. I have successfuly lost 65 pounds, and am only 30 away from my wedding weight, Oh how lovely that would be to be back at a 7... Granted no one can believe that I was as heavy as I was. Height certainly helps...

Only bad news in all of this, I absolutely cant come up with anything for butterfly and lost all my "HANDWRITTEN" pages for the next chapter, that I hadnt typed up as yet. I have a bad feeling when my brother cleaned up the other day he threw them out. My fault for having left them sitting on the floor beside my computer I suppose. But the dang cats kept knocking em off... Hopefully I will find them again and be able to get the same release that I got from DE and soon...

Ok that's the end of my random mumblings... at least for now, hopefully I will have a DE update in the next couple of days... 80)

Phoenix  – (4/15/2009 6:51 PM)  

Way to go Cherie!!! I'm rooting for you!!! :D

And that pic is absolutely stunning and captures the essence of your post!:)

cheripye  – (4/15/2009 8:01 PM)  

Thanks Phoenix!!!
I am actually excited, you really dont realize these things until you actually have someone point them out. DUH!!! LOL!

I loved this shot, but couldnt fit it into the screen. Arianne used magisvatum I think... 80)

S@n  – (4/15/2009 10:15 PM)  

Congratulations on your weight lost Cherie!!!! 30 more to go and you will feel like a new woman!!! I'm cheering for you!!!! Go Cherie!!!!

It is really nice that your coworker helped you out with your style :D, and it is even better that you didn't get upset about what she said.... I once tried to tell a friend something about her outfit and she stormed at me!!! :D lol since then I keep my mouth shut! :D lol

I really hope you can find your script!!!!!

I can't wait for another update! I'm I just got caught up tonight!! :D

S@n  – (4/15/2009 10:15 PM)  

Oh yes, that is a lovely picture!!!! :D

Emily  – (4/16/2009 6:03 AM)  

Congrats on losing that weight Cherie! That is really something that can totally lift your spirits completely and even though I'm the opposite and need to GAIN weight, I can understand how good that would feel! Hell, I feel better now that I had a baby and have some extra weight, lol! People really underestimate self-esteem and how important it is. I'm so happy for you and that you are feeling better!

cheripye  – (4/16/2009 1:41 PM)  

Thank you so much Sandy,
I already do feel like a new woman! I hadnt really realized how much weight I had lost, I know it sounds dumb but I just didnt pay attention to how loose all my clothes were getting.
And she is a wonderful woman, the most stylish in our office, so I take her advice with that in mind. 80)
I hope I find it too, but if not I will just re-write with what I have in memory. My husband and brother both told me I need to just type it up... But I like the handwriting it gives me a chance to edit when I retype. lol! I suppose I am just stubborn and stuck in my ways. 80)
And I liked this shot too, Ari actually looks kinda innocent, LOL!

cheripye  – (4/16/2009 1:46 PM)  

Thank you so much Emily!
Yes losing the weight is a great feeling and really uplifting in this time. I needed something so mundane I suppose. lol! and if you are blessed with being small lucky you, 80) In reality I am perfectly happy where I am at now, although I was thinking, 30 more pounds will put me at 140 which when I was 22 was a size 7 but I dont think with hip spread that will happen again, LOL! Because I am still in a 12-14 now depending on cut. Alot has spread out, LOL!

Once again congratulations and I am glad that you are feeling better about your weight too!

Mao  – (4/17/2009 5:17 PM)  

Congrats on the weight, Cheri! That is definitely awesome and something to be proud of. :D

Ahh, and suits. I love dressing up in office stuff! It's so much fun, LOL! You must be some kind of person to not take offense. Most people would have thrown a fit, LOL!

cheripye  – (4/17/2009 6:53 PM)  

Thank you Mao!
I am so proud of myself, everything else going on I hadnt really thought much about it.

I have worked with this woman for four years and she has always been honest, then again if I disagree I just politely continue on my own personal senses LOL! I am truly stubborn. And I love suits, I have a whole closet full but half of them are too big now. 80P LOL! Yay!!!

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