I am still alive, I think 8 - )

Just wanted to let you all know I am still here and see that I have a LOAD!!! of catch-up reading. Which hopefully, "No Promises" I should get to this weekend. I am looking forward to it, just been really busy and enjoying sitting back and ACTUALLY watching some TV and spending time with the Hubby.

Oh yeah my collective contribution may be up this weekend, if I can get the gumption to load up the game. Although I got two more GB's for my computer so I tested it and the game loads in 5 minutes now (Hooray), and an hdmi cord! The screen is so clear now! not that it wasnt before, LOL! Gotta love HD!

The only thing I dont understand, and maybe someone will. My computer stats/functionality were at a 5.9 (I have vista) now since I installed the extra memory it's a 4.9 Go figure... But ok... 8-S and I have the 64 bit.

thewynd  – (1/23/2009 8:10 PM)  

Vista has stats? Whatever for? Glad to hear you had some quality time relaxing.

Phoenix  – (1/23/2009 8:13 PM)  

Hey Cherie! My rating was higher before I put the max(8GB) into my computer as well. Sooo...that's my lowest score. It's now a 5.2 for some odd reason while all the other are at 5.9. It's still super fast so I guess I can deal!:P

Glad to hear/see that you've been enjoying your time away! Always a good thing!

cheripye  – (1/23/2009 8:39 PM)  

Stats it's supposed to tell you what your computer is functioning at. Helpful for certain applications and such. 80)

Relaxing has been nice, still reeling, still blocked in terms of writing but it is slowly coming back. Did get a little done on my novel. 80)

cheripye  – (1/23/2009 8:41 PM)  

Ok Cheryl,
I want your computer, LOL! mine max's out at 4 GB unless I switch out all the guts. LOL! Which I am considering eventually, lol!

Yeah mine is all 5.9 but memory, which is 4.9 and that is giving me that rating! Go figure, I thought about contacting Velocity, but figure oh well. 80)

S.B.  – (1/23/2009 8:45 PM)  

probably need to add more memory to mine as well. I'm glad to hear you are doing ok. take all the time you need.


Phoenix  – (1/23/2009 9:47 PM)  

LOL Cherie! It's just a tower that I got from Best Buy. I go to crucial.com to get memory pretty cheap! I love that site! Only place I go to get it!

Emily  – (1/24/2009 6:57 AM)  

Glad to hear that you are doing well, don't get overwhelmed trying to catch back up though! :D

S@n  – (1/24/2009 10:46 AM)  

Glad to hear you are doing OK Cheerie!!! :D Take care and don't worry bout catching up, the stories will be there for along time,no need to rush yourself!! :D
I'm glad your game is working better now!

Mao  – (1/24/2009 11:35 AM)  

Cheri, what version of Vista are you running? There's so many to remember, LOL. 64bit versions over um... lets see. I don't remember, but home can't handle anything (nor will it read anything) past 4? I don't know, I have Ultimate. Anyway, there's always that.

Otherwise, your RAM is clocked at different speeds and incompatible. Fiance has had this problem several times now. It either is a voltage difference in the RAM reqs (which can be changed via the BIOS screen) or they simply are running at different speeds. If they are, then they go down to the lowest compatible clock speed. That's an issue you can't fix, you have to get RAM that matches, especially if it's DDR2 or DDR3.

But it's hard to diagnose things without seeing the computer, being able to access the BIOS and all that crap. So just random suggestions.

Your RAM clock speed is usually on the RAM chip and packaging.

cheripye  – (1/24/2009 4:12 PM)  

Thank you beth Emily and Sandy,
Time is nice right now. 80) And feeling a little better too helps. 80)

cheripye  – (1/24/2009 4:13 PM)  

I got my computer at Best Buy too, but unfortunately with the according to geek squad the computer will only max out at 4 GB if unless I do a whole bunch else. WAH! oh well though does the job! besides I am not really into other games than sims 80)

cheripye  – (1/24/2009 4:17 PM)  

Mao I have the 64Bit Ultimate, but the computer only has the 4 slots for Memory. 80) pooh... with ddr2. and after my mother board issues, I am afraid to mess with the BIOS lol! Dont remember what the ram is and I dont want to go to the garage to get the box... Although I suppose I could not be lazy and head into my filing cabinet for all my computer bits, pieces and manuals. LOL!

Thank you for the information, I am working with Velocity Micro, to find out how much it will cost to upgrade the system itself. They are trying to get me to commit to buying a 8000.00 TB upgrade, which is a new computer. I dont have that much though. LOL!

cheripye  – (1/24/2009 4:19 PM)  

Oh Beth,
I forgot... the extra memory only cut an extra 5 minutes off the load time for me, LOL! in conjunction with all that I am still deleting. 80)

Mao  – (1/24/2009 6:15 PM)  

Uh, Cheri. Don't trust those guys at geek squad. They are obviously idiots.

Four slots for RAM is more than enough for 8gigs. I have that now. You just have to have 4 sticks of 2 gig RAM. If they're saying your motherboard is too old to do so, that's a possibility, but then I am questioning how you're running Ultimate, LOL.

Sweet God, who would ever need that much space? I never trust people to sell me PCs, LOL. But I have myself, my fiance, and other geeky contacts to help. You totally do not need a new PC, it's just the RAM. Nothing is bad, at least, you haven't mentioned anything going screwy.

cheripye  – (1/25/2009 3:39 AM)  

I thought so too, and no my computer is only a year old well I suppose a max of two. Being I bought it last December, lol!

LMAO! exactly! it would be cool if I wanted to play the sims and every game my bro does, plus keep every file and photo. LOL! might be worth it if I was hardcore... But I am not. LOL! In truth I am satisfied with my 4 GB although I wouldnt mind having a bit more. 80)

I am going to check into the RAM, and fortunately I am good friends with my co-worker IT guy, so he knows all that wonderful stuff too. Figuring I will have him come over for dinner and check it out. 80) I always run stuff by him. 80) Only screwy stuff is my download folder for S2 and thats because I have too much. LOL!

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