Announcement of Sorts

Hello Everyone,

Firstly I want to thank all of you for reading and commenting on my stories. I appreciate all of the support and patience in this extremely trying time for me. *hugs to you all!

I have reached an all time low. With everything going on with my husband I am reeling... I cant focus on anything and have been extremely depressed for the last couple of weeks. I dont want to bore you all with the details nor do I want to vent on you either, besides I cant really explain how I am feeling, knowing what I know. So I am going to take a few months and get back to 'Me', spend some time with my husband and enjoy the time we have. Try and get some sort of control of this bitch of a disease!

I am truly stressed, frightened and strained. Both sides of our family seem to be loading brick after brick upon me, I am having to deal with my hubby and myself all by myself. Which is contributing to this emotional pitt.

I am a bit worried in terms of what I have come up with for Corinne, and would like someone to review if anyone is interested. Another reason why I am taking a step back, when I write it feels really dark to me. Which is fine on one hand, but extreme is extreme. At least Jayden is getting some attention.

I will continue to read any updates and hope that I will still have a place with you all when I have beat this shit!

As well I have been in the rare moments of clarity taking photos and working on the next two updates for Butterfly and DE. Dont know exactly how long it will be before they are posted but they will be up soon enough.

Once again Thank you all for your understanding and patience. 80)

Emily  – (1/16/2009 9:45 AM)  

Oh dear Cherie! So sorry to hear about all the stress, I know it can really eat you alive. Do whatever you need to feel better and don't let something as silly as updates get in the way. I've really enjoyed stepping back and just reading others updates for a while, so maybe that will help you too.

Sending best wishes and prayers your way and you are always welcome in our group, I think you know that!

Phoenix  – (1/16/2009 10:05 AM)  

Cherie, take your time. Step away and just breath! Enjoy your husband and your time with him. No one is going to begrudge you that! Family comes first and foremost over anything!

I hope everything goes well and your family and in-laws just back up and let you spend some much needed time resting! Your family is in my prayers!

cheripye  – (1/16/2009 10:20 AM)  

Thank you Emily,
Yeah I suppose I do know that, 80). Yes stress can be a pain! I will beat this and be back to my normal self again soon. Just need to adjust, 80). I have been reading every one's updates, but my head is so full I have to read at least twice at times. But it is nice just kicking back. The updates are a bit of a destresser, but I cant focus well. lol. 80)

cheripye  – (1/16/2009 10:22 AM)  

Thank you Cheryl,
They have backed up, that is part of the issue. I ask for help and they cant or wont do it! between work, husband, doctors and general day to day it has worn me down. 80)

Yes family does come first! and it is important to me to know everything I can in this case. Another reason I am doing this. Too many things happening all at once! lol...

KDSGS  – (1/16/2009 12:34 PM)  

Again, you know you have my support. Definitely step back and enjoy time with hubby, chill and relax.
Glad you are going to continue reading the updates, as Emily said, it is a little escapism from RL stresses!

And update when ever the mood strikes, and if you think it is dark...don't worry, I think we can all take it! LOL! Or if no updates is an option...anything to lessen the stress! I have been there, I know. You will come out on the other side. Take care mate!

S@n  – (1/16/2009 1:24 PM)  

Cherie, I hope everything gets better soon! Take your time, step back and enjoy as much time as you can with your husband and family...

We will patiently wait for you!
hugs and my prayers are with you! Take care!

cheripye  – (1/16/2009 2:15 PM)  

Thank you Karen,
right now I am just in need of venting... Which my granfather has gotten alot of. 80)

I probably wont be updating much after I get the one those two out. Then again even I dont know that is necessarily true. lol!

Thanks again! 80)

cheripye  – (1/16/2009 2:17 PM)  

Thank you Sandy!
I appreciate all the support, truly! and I will still be stalking everyones blogs for updates, lol 80)

Anonymous –   – (1/16/2009 5:46 PM)  

Cherie, if you need to take time for yourself, I urge you to do it. The stuff online comes second to the stuff out there.

I lost my mother a few years ago and I wish I had spent more time with her and been less concerned about other stuff that didn't really matter so take as much time as you need.

You have my well wishes for you and your husband and your family.

As for the writing side of things, sometimes it is good to write out your feelings even if it's in the form of a story. Dark or not, sometimes, it's what we need and it helps.

Astral Faery  – (1/16/2009 9:24 PM)  

Aw, hon. So sorry things are so hard for you. I wish I could be there to give you a big hug. Taking some time away sounds like a great idea - and don't worry about updates. The last thing you need is more stress.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

cheripye  – (1/17/2009 11:36 AM)  

Thank you Chari,

Yeah, I just feel really overloaded right now with all that's going on. Right now I just need time to decompress, let everything sink in fully.

Yes writing is an excellent form of stress management. Thing is my writing takes on my moods and they are so up and down right now alot of it doesnt make sense. I have written alot of poetry in the last month! angry dark and heartbreaking, 80).

Thank you for the kind comment

cheripye  – (1/17/2009 11:39 AM)  

Thank you Astral,

I am going to make it through this, and so will he. But still reeling...

I am not to worried over the updates, I will post at my leisure, when I have the moments of clarity. Until then I will just read everyone elses work. 80)Actually it is really nice just stepping back and not worrying about what shot I need. lol...

thewynd  – (1/17/2009 1:17 PM)  

Cherie, I know how you are feeling and the pressure that comes from your families makes it so much more difficult to bear. I don't think anyone can realize how this affects you when they are so wrapped up in how it affects themselves. And if you are anything like me, you probably place their need for comfort above your own. Trust me, don't do that. You need to take care of yourself and your husband.

You know my thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.

As for Corinne, do not worry about what you wrote. Maybe it was something you needed to express and she was the vehicle. We are all here for you and this will always be a place where you are welcomed and a part of.

I agree with Chari that writing can be very helpful and comforting when dealing with the dark. It is one of the reasons I began mine. Even if you don't post anything, use it as an outlet for yourself.

My thoughts are with you...

Mao  – (1/17/2009 8:19 PM)  

Cheri, truly, I really feel for you and I hope that your husband, with your love and support, can overcome this. He couldn't ask for anything more, especially when you're willing to be there for him. I really am thinking of you both and I really do hope that everything works out. It's a really tough burden to bear. I mean, it affects you just as much as it does him. So take all the time you need, all the space you need, to get through this with him.

I really am completely putting my thoughts behind you both on this. I wish a certain person in my life had the strength to face it like your husband is.

Good luck, to both of you. We'll still be here when you've got time to write again. Take your time.

cheripye  – (1/20/2009 9:11 AM)  

Thank you Gayl,

Yes most definately am, not that I have much choice, LOL! Considering everybody has their own two cents about how things should be done.

Writing is an excellent vehicle for stress release. Problem is my attention span is so minimal and the muse has taken a permanent leave of absence. 80)

cheripye  – (1/20/2009 9:12 AM)  

Thank you Mao!

It's very draining but we will get through. He's holding strong for sure.

I will include you and your family in my prayers and keep you in my thoughts as well. 80)

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