Delay in updates

I am leaving you with this pictures as a preview,

but I will be delayed for an indefinate amount of time. My husband has been admitted to the hospital and we dont know how long he will be in. Hopefully it will be short, but I am not expecting it to be so...

So I wont be updating either Butterfly or DE this weekend possibly not next either depending on what happens. Sorry 80)

Phoenix  – (12/11/2008 8:21 PM)  

I hope everything turns out alright Cherie! Don't worry about your story! You're hubby is way more important! Take care! *HUGS*

Mao  – (12/11/2008 9:03 PM)  

You and your husband are in my thoughts. :( I hope everything is all right. Take your time, we'll still be here whenever you manage to come back!

cheripye  – (12/11/2008 11:16 PM)  

Thank you so much Phoenix and Mao. Unfortunately things are not well. His Liver is very close to shutting down. It is severly damaged, plus he has to have 6 pints of blood, from an as yet unknown internal bleeding. I am truly a basket case right now...

Phoenix  – (12/12/2008 12:04 AM)  

Cherie your husband, as well as you, are in my thoughts in prayers! Hopefully he can get those pints and they can do something about his liver! Take care of yourself and go be with your hubby!

cheripye  – (12/12/2008 1:50 AM)  

Thank you Phoenix,
ICU wouldnt let me stay and security booted me from the waiting room. because visiting hours were over, or else trust me I would be. Although I am going to talk to his doctor tomorrow. See if they cant work something out.

I have been praying all day, and so has our family. 80) and no there isnt anything they can do but. Get him back to a semi healthy state. It is inevitable and emminent that it will stop functioning. Thank you so much for the kind words... It means so very much.

Anonymous –   – (12/12/2008 6:01 AM)  

Cherie I know that I don't comment on your stories but I just wanted to say that I am praying for you and your husband. I hope the doctors can work something out so you can stay up there with him.


Emily  – (12/12/2008 10:16 AM)  

I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better but I know times like these are tough for everyone. I will pray for you both and hope everything turns out okay. Hopefully they will let you stay with him, there's no way I could handle being away from my husband like that.

Wishing you all the best and forget about the updates for as long as you need to, take care of yourself.

KDSGS  – (12/12/2008 10:20 AM)  

Very sorry to read of your worries mate, my thoughts are with you and your family.~ *hug*


cheripye  – (12/13/2008 10:13 AM)  

Thank you all so much for the kind thoughts and prayers. They are working. 80) He has responded well to the blood transfusion. and his blood counts are now at a 8.6 instead of four.

But years of alcoholism have nearly destroyed his liver. (To think I have been on him to get treatment for his drinking all these years) the doctor is concerned about something else being it is in such a state at his age. So they are running more tests. And he needs to get onto the Liver transplant list... Cant until he's been six months sober, but we need to get the paper work filed now.

This is truly a frightening experience for me. I thought I was going to lose him. But I have my family here and I am blessed they will hopefully be releasing him tomorrow or Monday. Being the main concern is the anemia...

Thank you all again, it really means alot. *hugs*

Emily  – (12/14/2008 6:52 AM)  

Thank God you really will be getting the best gift ever this Christmas! I am so happy things are beginning to look up for you, I will continue to pray that everything works itself out.

S.B.  – (12/14/2008 7:30 AM)  

I hope for the best for both of you Cherie. Life can truly be difficult. My thoughts are with you.

cheripye  – (12/14/2008 9:17 AM)  

Thank you Emily,
Yes the best gift this christmas is he is coming home.

And thank you Beth,

Yes life can be truly difficult... I never would have believed that I would have to deal with this so young. I have always known that if he continued the way he was that this would eventually happen. Still I prayed and tried everything to get him to understand that he had to stop, and now this! I have a long road to haul here, and have learned alot in the course of four days time. But the best thing is he is scared to death over this and is going to quit drinking.

Mao  – (12/15/2008 4:21 PM)  

Cherie, I had no idea. I am glad he is responding well to treatment and this seems to have scared some sense into him. That is very lucky, I really hope he takes his chance for the better. I'll keep you both in my thoughts.

My mum is at this stage, probably past it, but refuses to be profiled. So I can definitely sympathize. Wishing you both tons of strength and fortitude for the long road ahead.

cheripye  – (12/15/2008 4:52 PM)  

Thank you Mao, *hugs*
Yes we do need strength, well he does, I am a very strong person. And I completely understand as well. My Grandmother has cerosis, and my mother has hep c. Both are on the steady decline. So I am fighting three things here. But at least he is frightened enough to listen to me on the drinking. Just dont know what else to say. The doctor said between 2 and 4 years before his liver fails completely. And Liver transplants are very few and far between. But I will keep hope and praying. Something will happen. 80)

Anonymous –   – (12/16/2008 4:39 AM)  

I hope things go all right for your husband! You're in my thoughts and don't worry too much about online stuff. RL stuff comes first.

cheripye  – (12/16/2008 1:46 PM)  

Thank you Chari,
It is certainly going to be a long road ahead of us. Trust me the furthest from my mind right now is online. 80) but I do need some distractions from the stress and strain of everything.

Hope things go well for you too. 80)

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