New Blog

Hello Every one,

I am posting to let every one know I am currently under construction. Revising my blogs. LOL! As well I have also set up a new blog for a story I will be shortly working on. Quite different from what I normally write. But hey it's a challenge right? So if I have forgotten anyone or missed something let me know. 80)

Thank you Beth, Karen and Sandy for giving me the sense of Security to go forward with this one. Especially considering its umm... content. Yeah I will go with that. 80) I appreciate the support so very much!!!

I havent posted anything more than some shots of the first few characters. Will be posting more as I get the other characters completed. So please go check it out, review etc. 80) Let me know what you think. Especially in regards to Jayden.

I am almost thinking I need to make another one (Character) he just doesnt fit my ideals for him, although the sweet looking ones are generally the worst lol!. 80)

Dark Eyes

S@n  – (11/01/2008 5:21 PM)  

Cherie!!!!! Your blogs look awesome!!! You did a great job with the remodeling!!! :D

They look great!! Bravo!!!!! :D

I can't wait to read the new story...

I will go take a look at the new blog shortly !!! :D

I'm cooking and I don't want to burn the food :D lol :D lol

I love what you did with BAT and your main blog, this new look is easier to navigate!! Great job!!!

cheripye  – (11/01/2008 5:53 PM)  

Thanks Sandy!!!

No please dont burn the food, lol!

I am trying to make it a little easier. And still so much more to do in regards to colors etc.

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