Some Good news, Bad news and some crap too!

The Good News

I have a good chunk of Dark Eyes written, have taken over half the screens needed for Jays update and think I am nearly done Transposing.

As well I have had a release of sorts and have had my nose stuck Literally in re-writing butterfly totally for publish. 80) Someday I will get around to finishing off Butterfly blog wise. I am sure there are a few out there interested. 80)

I am getting a lap top!!! SQUEAL!!! Early Christmas birthday present of sorts! and it is decent not the greatest graphics suck so it wont really be for gaming but it will be good for writing. 80)

Bad news

I am not going to be posting to DE anytime soon. Perhaps after the holidays maybe a bit sooner. I really want to take my time and make sure this is good and quality. 80) I will keep everyone informed. Plus I have a few more things set up wise that need to be done. 80) This means... GASP I may actually just have the time to get caught up on everyone's stuff. I know I have been out of it lately, just trying to get back into the groove of things.

The Crap

As many of you know my husband has been battling some issues over the past year. and well this weekend we got some really bad news... How it is going to affect me I dont know, but I am grateful to at least have my stories and my blogmates. 80) I will be strong it is the only thing I can do.

Ok off to work, just wanted to check in and let you all know whats up. 80)

KDSGS  – (10/26/2009 7:27 AM)  

Take your time on DE Cherie, work at your own pace. Same with Butterflies. You do this for your own pleasure, and RL can be a real kick in the head. Same with commenting, take your time. Emailing you...

S@n  – (10/26/2009 9:46 AM)  

Cheerie, take your time.. I agree with Drew, you have to work at your own pace. take it easy and just let it happen!

Congrats on the new laptop!!! I got one last year for Xmas and I'm so happy with it :D

I will be away from Dec. to January... but I will be very happy to read your stories when I come back...

Good luck with Butterflies, and let us know how it goes, I would definitely get a copy if you published it!!!
Best wishes and I will be praying for you...

About your hubby, hopefully everything is fine with him, I though he was doing much better now... I will keep him in my prayers... just be strong and don't lose your faith...

If you need anything... you have my email...
Take care and best wishes for both of you and all your family!!


cheripye  – (10/26/2009 12:10 PM)  

Thank you Drew and S@ndy!

I am going to take it really easy over the next few weeks. Settle some issues and work out DE's troublesome points but when I get to the posting I really want every one to enjoy it. 80)

Yep certainly for my own pleasure. 80)

thanks for the support again!!! it means the world to me. 80)

Ok planning a Grecian distraction in five years with my single co-worker... Oh goodness we are bad... LOL! I need to laugh and smile. 80)

Phoenix  – (10/26/2009 3:50 PM)  

I hope everything's going alright with your Cherie! Take your time. Whatever you decide on I'm sure will be great!:)

Take care of yourself!

Emily  – (10/26/2009 6:43 PM)  

Sending you virtual hugs and a strong shoulder to lean on Cherie! Don't worry about updating, take care of yourself, that's what's important. Everything you write is worth waiting every minute, so take your time and try not to stress out! Best wishes for you and your husband!

cheripye  – (10/28/2009 6:58 PM)  

Thanks Emily!

It means so much I am still lurking about reading, doing ALOT of writing!

cheripye  – (10/28/2009 7:07 PM)  

Thanks Phoenix!

All will be well eventually Gotta accept and live 80)

Mao  – (11/01/2009 5:18 AM)  

I've been kind of "out of it", too, so I can't say anything about that, LOL! xb But I really, really hope the RL stuff works out for the best, for you, whatever that may be. So, lots of good thoughts and whatever else your way. :)

cheripye  – (11/02/2009 7:07 AM)  

Thanks Mao! nice to hear from you... Yep RL has a funny way of jumping and biting you in the a double scribble.

I am sure things will work out just fine, in the end. 80) Unfortunately not so well for hubby. 80( but such is life he made a choice now he has to deal with it.

S.B.  – (11/04/2009 7:38 AM)  

I feel so bad for both of you Cherie. And both of you are in my thoughts. I hope you're getting some support.

Anonymous –   – (11/09/2009 10:29 PM)  

hey there. I know you must be excited about getting a new laptop! I remember when I got my laptop last year as a graduation present! always a great feeling :) I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I know life can be tough, trust me I'm going through a lot of RL bull-honky at the moment. just remember that when life throws you lemons, you pick them up and throw them right back! ;) i know we're not well-aquainted, but I'm a great listener if you ever need to email me, never hesitate!


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