BAtT Hiatus

Thanks to my younger brothers attempt at being kind... He tried to download a Torrent of M&G (If I really wanted it I would buy it) well when he installed it he didnt back up any of my files, so....... I have had to re-install everything, because it didnt work... Thus my having lost several of my characters.... Arianne comes to mind first of all....

So! sad to say, I have to try and find Wilshire manor again that is a pain in the a double scribble, Try and rebuild Marianne's lot and then there is the whole!!! hassel of recreating all the families etc... Oh yeah and charles and Margaret will be moving again.... (SCREAM)!!!!!!!

All this thanks to my lazy butt not doing a weekly back up of my folders... And the fact that my D.S. Brother (Trust me I am not happy) didnt know to back up before trying to install. I cant fault him for trying to be sweet and all, but word to the computer wise at least thought concept wise....


Ok I think I am done ranting about this... Just wanted to let you all know, Never allow a sibling to live with you, LOL! especially if they believe they are more intelligent about computers... nah... Not really I do love him despite all his idiotic misgivings... But now I am stuck having to go through all my crap and locate what I can in regards to BAtT. So the update is along ways off...

Do have to say he finally remembered where he put my handwritten pages so when I am up and running again in the Butterfly realm that is... A Wedding should hopefully occur. *wink wink* Until then I do have DE fully operational...

Oh yes forgot to mention this all happened uh... two weeks ago... I just didnt realize how bad my BAtT organization was until I was trying to go through all of my many...... Files pertaining to it...

I will not give up, I will not give up, LOL!

Phoenix  – (5/06/2009 7:25 PM)  

Oh wow!! O_o Sorry to hear about that Emily!! Hopefully you'll be able to get everything the way you want it! *crosses fingers*

Wow...that's just beyond words! haha! gotta love them right? :)

cheripye  – (5/06/2009 8:31 PM)  

Those three updates got to you huh, LOL!*Just playing, please dont feel offended* I dont mind, no one ever remembers my name, LOL! at least not the way it is sposed to be, LOL! IE Cherry Pie... 8o)

Yes I will get it the way I want it, I wont give up, LOL!!! lol!!! O.O lol!

Yep gotta love family... Grumble, he musta been smokin whatever Nolan was... LOL!

Phoenix  – (5/06/2009 10:03 PM)  

*slaps forehead* My bad!! CHERIE!! Haha!! What the crap! And I was looking for an edit button and realized I was in blogger! *grumbles about blogger's non-editable comments*

Sorry! I'm at work so I was trying to hurry before someone came in! *sigh*

Alright, Cherie! And I'm not offended! I'm a dork and have always sucked at the whole name thing!

LMAO! Smoking what Nolan was smoking! Hahaha!!

cheripye  – (5/07/2009 8:17 AM)  

LOL! I too find the edit issue an issue, LOL! so lately I have been doing them in note/word pad or word that way I can fix em. 80)

Hurry hurry dont get caught...

he certainly must have been to do what he did to my computer, LOL! I thought you might get a kick out of that... And no worries on the names, I was just in a corny dorky mood. 80)

Mao  – (5/07/2009 9:20 AM)  

Oh God, Cherie. THAT SUCKS! The brother deserves a BACKHAND, LOL! My fiance knows not to $%#& with my PC, ever. But I'm also the one with the degree, not him.

To be honest, everything sims I have past Seasons have been from torrents. I wonder why it didn't work. x_x

Ughhhh... all that work, LOST! Dude, I would just be so pissed. You are a real trooper. I don't think I'd be able to recover from that.

Especially not from behind bars after beating the crap out of the person responsible, LOL! This is why it is good I don't have siblings.

cheripye  – (5/07/2009 9:29 AM)  

LOL! I agree Mao, I almost did wring his neck... But the thought concept behind it stopped me. He is after all only 21 and male... LOL!

I am so scared of Torrents... everything is on my computer, my pictures my games my writing... If I get a virus it will be a B**** to clean up...

It's not all lost... Besides I have been wanting to give Ava a makeover for a while now.. Her other skin, and I am a huge fan of Rensim, but it is too yellow for me... So I will probably be changing it. Subtle changes of course. Nothing to much.

And it's my fault I literally have about 75,000 files for BAtT and they are all scattered and not named properly. So I have a big task ahead of me.... Fortunately I still have all the sims. 80)

Thanks!! and your lucky you dont have any sibs... LOL!

cheripye  – (5/07/2009 11:23 AM)  

Oh yes I forgot to say in my attempt to salvage the game... The particular torrent he downloaded required something Toro or similar and I couldnt get that to work, I spent two days trying to clear up the mess, trying to get it to work... But it refused. Kept requiring a CD, and I looked up the no CD thing, but the steps involved looked way more intense than I think I can handle. My computer is running good and I dont want to mess up anything... Forgot to add that in Mao.


QG  – (5/09/2009 7:32 AM)  

oh you poor soul! it sucks when you loose everything, but when you need it to finish stories.... djees. the whole downloading things is a big mess... especialy when something goes wrong... if mine borks, i just start all over again, and start downloading again, you don't even miss things after awhile, because you have nothing really to remember it by. but stories.oi. i imagine them to be a lot of work to set up, lots, families..maybe even the whole neigbourhood.. I even admire you Sims2writers more for it...
you guys are my heroes. I hope you get everything back to your liking!
*crosses fingers and toes* *hands you a drink and some cookies to help you trough*
you will not give up, you will not give up, LOL! maybe some pompoms to help cheer you on??

cheripye  – (5/11/2009 9:16 PM)  

Thanks QG,
Yeah it is a major pain when you have to re-do everything you worked so hard not to lose. LOL! and pompoms, cookies and a drink sound really good right about now. LOL!
I will get it right, I will not give up, LOL!

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