New Story Idea

Ok so I can hardly keep up with the two I have going now... But I have this story idea that is just driving me mad... So I think I am going to start working on it... Will take a couple of weeks, and it is certainly more in my genre...

Victorian Era~ Romance... I am going to allow my uh... romantic explanations a bit more freedom this time. Although I still dont feel comfortable taking the screens of those bits. 80)

Read on for a short preview...

The train whistle blew long and loud as it pulled away from the station, causing her to jump. Vivienne could hardly believe that she had done it, yet her heart still worried. What if her parents found her, forced her to return? surely she missed her home, her priviledged comforts. Still not enough to ever go back, which is why she had scrimped and saved, stolen the fine silver to fund this little venture and taken the job as the governess to the wealthy farmers children.

Jonah and Meredith raced down the dirt street, a cloud of dust billowing behind them as they hurried towards the station. Father would certainly be displeased that they were late to collect the governess. "Come on Merri, hurry up for I dont desire a whoopin tonight," Jonah called over his shoulder. Using the last of his energy to sprint forward.

"I'm hurrying, I really am!" Meredith breathlessly hollored back, her lungs burning from the exertion. "I just hope she isnt as mean as old lady Beck," she muttured under her breath, silently praying their new governess would allow them this one fault....

Ok so what do you all think??? should I continue with it, should I take on yet third story? LOL!

S.B.  – (4/29/2009 6:43 PM)  

go for it. You can set your own pace, but the romance genre is one you write very very well. It sounds wonderful!

cheripye  – (4/29/2009 7:42 PM)  

Thanks SB,
I swear this one keeps popping in and out of my head, I have nearly a whole five subject notebook filled with notes and story shorts on it. LOL!

I spose it is time I just admit that Romance is my arena, LOL! I think that I will... Thanks for your support 80)

Phoenix  – (4/30/2009 12:22 AM)  

I like it! Should be interesting! Those little kids running cracked me up! I could picture it in my head!

FIVE notebooks Cherie! Wow!! O_o I used to do the same thing! haha!

cheripye  – (4/30/2009 9:10 AM)  

LOL! no one five subject notebook! I prefer to dand write everything... Then type it up, something I have done since I was a kid. Must be something to do with carrying my journal with me everywhere. LOL!

This story just keeps pestering me, LOL! so I started writing it out. 80) Thanks... Ok third story here I come... Grumble grumble haha

KDSGS  – (4/30/2009 11:51 AM)  

Go for it, you know how I feel about Romances, and you rock.

I handled three stories pretty good for quite a while, just pace yourself and don't make unrealistic deadlines on yourself and all should be fine!

As far as the love scenes? Personally, I feel not as queasy about describing it in the writing, but I just cannot bring myself to show too much, LOL! To each their own! Push the outer rim of the envelope...

cheripye  – (4/30/2009 3:00 PM)  

Thanks Karen!
No I am not going to push the out rim, but I will be posting the writing in it's 'Original blush form' LOL! Certainly not up to showing to much... I have been slowly trying to work out a couple of characters uh... Time... Yeah that it. 80) and am going to keep the writing as I explained, with extreme warning... The pictures, well those will be pg for sure... Maybe a little more. 80)

Mao  – (5/01/2009 6:38 AM)  

Experimentation is fun, but we always have the most joy when we're writing something we're comfortable and good at. I am a big fan of period pieces and I love me some Victorian Era!

So, I say go for it. Just make sure to set your own pace so you don't get burnt out. :)

As for the scenes/descriptions. Don't worry about it. After stumbling into my mum's drawer of questionable novela at the age of six, I think I am pretty immune. As for pictures, in that case, less is more. You don't always have to push the envelope to achieve what you're going for.

cheripye  – (5/01/2009 9:14 AM)  

I love the regency and victorian era, and I certainly agree less is more. Not going X rated here that's for sure. LOL!

I think I have grown a thick skin in regards to the writing of embarrasing stuff... Pictures not so much... I am perfectly fine with more words that visual. 80)

This is going to be my leave me alone I am playing and writing piece. 80) an escape and I havent done a victorian in so long... Going to have to research. 80)


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